Chapter 70

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The Puppetmaster cleared his throat, and I had a feeling that he shifted in his seat. "So, how much do you want so that we can meet?" he asked, changing the subject, and I had a feeling that he raised an eyebrow in question. "I believe it is time for us to get down to business..."

"Mmmmm, it depends," I said and shrugged. "When do you want to meet and where?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question. "I know that you will want to meet today, and I have a feeling that you want to meet within an hour or so, but that doesn't give me a lot of information or a lot of time."

"Time for what exactly?" he asked. "So that you can change into the Viper because you are someone else such as... Miss DeLamont?"

I scoffed a laugh and rolled my eyes, not even fazed about the accusations that he was throwing my way. "Oh, Love, I am not Alexandra, but it does take me a good while to get ready for... a date like this."

I pouted and batted my eyelashes together while I tucked my head closer to my chest. "Don't you want to see me all dolled up?" I asked, innocently, earning a scoffed laugh from the other male as well as him rolling his eyes, even though I couldn't see it.

"Come as you are, Miss Viper," he growled out, and I had a feeling that he bared his teeth and narrowed his eyes in warning, even though I couldn't see that either and it didn't faze me like he thought it would. "I do not know why you girls get so dressed up to go somewhere even when it is not a date."

"Hmph." I smirked. "Oh, it's because we like to appear more beautiful than we are," I purred, "and I am one of them." I bit back a small sigh and tsked, shaking my head. "And, it doesn't help that I do not know where you want me to go."

The Puppetmaster growled in annoyance, and I had a feeling that he gritted his teeth together, and I couldn't help but smirk because I loved getting underneath this man's skin. "Fine," he said coldly, the growl still evident in his voice. "I will send you where I want you to meet us, Miss Viper, and you will send me the details of this... pay... "agreement.""

"Hmph." I bit back a small smirk and dipped my head closer to my chest while I did some more paperwork before I leaned back in my seat. "Oh, Love, it is not a pay agreement. It is a promise that I am paid what I am owed." I leaned back further in my seat and cleared my throat while I shifted in my seat.

I looked at my nails and cleared my throat again before I rubbed my fingernails across my chest. "I am worth every single cent that I am due. You have my word on that, my good Sir."

The Puppetmaster bit back an annoyed sigh but growled, and I had a feeling that he slowly nodded. "We shall see, Miss Viper," he said coldly. "We shall see. I will see you in three hours. Do not be late."

And with that, he hung the phone without saying another word.

I pressed my lips into a thin line before I pulled my phone away from my ears and looked at it. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that, my good Sir," I said while I smirked and narrowed my eyes. "We will not be late."

And with that, I sent Salem a text to get ready before I left the safety of my office to get ready as both the Viper and then myself because I had this inkling that they were going to try and capture me for some reason.

Oh, Goddess, please let this go without a hitch, I silently prayed while I grabbed my phones tighter in my hands. I don't want to end up hurt or worse...



"Grams?" I asked about thirty minutes later with my jean jacket over my shoulder and my truck keys in my hands, ready to leave to meet up with the Puppetmaster or to be myself if need be. "Where are you?"

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