Chapter 20

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The announcer banged his staff against the stone steps and cleared his throat, gaining the people's attention in the ballroom. "Alpha Nicodemus Anagnos and Luna Analina Anagnos of the Itıá Pack," he yelled, and they walked down the steps to join the people of the "ball."

"Why are we going last?" I asked, and Anothony shrugged his shoulders while we moved forward and took residence in the spot where Nike and Analina stood before.

All eyes were on us while we waited to be announced. Whispers sprung up from around them, and I knew that they were wondering the same thing I was, for it was normal for the Alpha and Luna of the pack to be announced last, including the visiting Alphas were first.

His eyes were on me; I could feel them from where I was at. He was still a face amongst millions, moving in and out of view so that I couldn't see him, but I could feel his gaze.

The announcer cleared his throat again, and I stopped searching for him, knowing that he would appear near me soon. "Late Alpha Anthony Anagnos of the Itıá Pack and A-" He stopped talking when I cleared my throat sharply and turned towards me. His eyes widened in fear, and he gulped at my hard gaze. "Beta Alexandra DeLamont of the Yara Pack."

We started to walk down the steps while Anthony chuckled. "Did you have to scare him?" he asked, to the other snickers of our group. He clutched my hand tighter, knowing that I would have escaped by now.

"He was about to call me "Alpha," and I am not the Alpha," I replied. I pursed my lips and flicked my eyes across the faces again while I made my way down, looking for him.


"Don't you start," I warned one of my brothers, and he snickered. I spotted one of the twins who looked at me with good humor in his eyes.

"Good to see you still kicking, Lele," the twin, Patrick, said. "You look as stunning as ever."

I rolled my eyes but didn't reply when I let go of Anthony's arm as soon as we made it to the bottom of the steps and started to make my way...

"Mingle," my adopted father said, stopping me from making my way to the shadows to watch everyone from them. There was a warning in his tone, and I knew that if he could, then he would order me.

I cringed, the thought of ignoring his order strong on my mind. My whole body grew tense, and I closed my eyes and flared my nostrils before I let out a soft huff. "Fine," I said, disgruntled before I opened my eyes and started to walk towards the food tables. "But just know that I don't like."

The king chuckled. "I know," he said. "But you will get used to it."

I set my jaw but didn't reply, for I would never get used to this. I will never get used to the eyes on me, watching my every move while I made my way to get something to eat.

But the main thing that I will never get used to was his eyes on me, ignoring everyone else but me.


My hand gripped my drink tightly, and a fake smile was plastered on my face while I listened to a group of older women talk, sounding like a flock of hens, cackling about Goddess knows what and sending the others in a flurry of either agreement and disagreement.

"Have you seen Alpha and Luna, Dear?" one woman asked, putting her hand on my arm before she removed it when I grew tense. "They are so beautiful together, don't you think?"

I shrugged my shoulder but didn't reply.

"What about Alpha Levithan's new side chick?" another woman asked. She turned her nose up in disgust. "That boy could do so much better than that."

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant