Chapter 10

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"I thought that I said there would be no training," the voice of my "Alpha," said, and I scowled. He leaned against the doorway and watched as I was running on the treadmill.

"I am training on how to run away," I said, my voice clipped. "What does it look like I am doing?" I looked over my book, the words blurring on the page. I had no idea what time it was, but I knew it was late in the morning.

Levi walked over to me. "It seems to me that you are training on kicking my ass," he said, and I let out a breathless chuckle. "I don't think you will be able to do that."

"Hmmm," I replied. "And what would you know about my training?" I rubbed my eyes and glanced at the television to see that the news was on before turning my attention back to the book. I was well aware of his presence near me, but I didn't look at him.

"So, is this one of the books that were in your living room?" he asked, and I nodded. "What else was there? People?"

"And why would there be people?" I asked, slamming the book shut. I wasn't able to pay attention to it anyways. "It has been just my grandmother and me for years in that house. Nobody comes over for a visit in the evenings, not unless they need some "crazy tea lady" advice."

Levi pressed the stop button the treadmill almost c, and it almost caused me to tumble forward. He watched as I caught myself and smirked, probably feeling proud of himself.

"Thank you, Alpha, for that pleasant stop," I said. I grabbed the bars and stood, my legs shaking. Sweat went into my eyes, but I didn't wipe it away as I tried to control my racing heart and rapid breathing.

"How long have you been doing this?" he asked, his voice surprisingly soft. Something like concern filled his eyes, but I paid no heed to it.

I shrugged my shoulder and grabbed my water bottle. I scowled when I tried to take a sip only to discover that it was empty. "I don't know," I said, wiping my face with a towel. "Since eleven in the evening?"

Levi scowled. He took my water bottle away from me and went to the water machine. His back was turned away from me, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing.

I got off of the treadmill and walked towards him, placing my hands on the back of my head. I knew that I would have to walk for a bit so that my body wouldn't freeze up.

"You should sit," he said. He turned towards me and handed back my water bottle. A scowl appeared on his face when I didn't take it from him. "If I wanted to hurt you, Alexandra, I wouldn't poison you."

I, hesitantly, took the bottle away from him and stared at him warily. "Thanks, I guess," I grunted, taking a sip of water. I stayed silent, not knowing if I should be grateful or not that he wouldn't poison me.

"Well?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you curious as to how I would hurt you?"

I shook my head no and took a step back, needing some fresh air away from him. "You already know how to hurt me," I replied, coldly.

He chuckled darkly. "It could have changed. Two years can change a person. Just look at me." He gestured towards himself. "I am happier than I have been. I have a beautiful mate who loves me. I will have a beautiful child." He smirked when I crushed my water bottle. "Oh?" he asked, shocked. "Did I forget to mention that Mindy is pregnant with my child?"

Then why doesn't she smell like you? I thought, trying to keep my jealousy and anger in check. I forced a smile on my face, but I was sure that it looked like a sneer. "Congratulations," I said through gritted teeth. "I am happy for you."

Levi smirked and walked until he was in front of me. "What?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Jealous that I found a perfect mate?"

"If that skank is a "perfect mate," then I will gladly be an imperfect one or have no one at all," I said. I dodged the hand that he used to slap me, but Levi was quicker and had grabbed me by the throat.

"Never call my mate a skank," Levi snarled, putting his face in front of mine. Anger filled his eyes, and for a moment, I was scared that he would actually hit me.

"Ya, well, the truth hurts. Doesn't it?" I choked out, digging my nails into his hand. My feet hung limply in the air, and for some reason, I couldn't bear to kick his ass.

I needed them to think that I was weak, and I couldn't protect myself from an angry Alpha. I needed them to think that I was all talk and no action because I knew that could be my only shot at rescuing him.

Levi snarled and clutched my throat tighter, and I gasped for breath. He placed his face near my neck and sniffed, his body relaxing slightly.

I stopped attacking his hands and tensed. I had no idea what was going on, and I couldn't help but wonder if my Levi was breaking through.

"What are you doing to me?" he asked, his face still buried in my neck. "Why does it hurt to hurt you?"

I didn't answer because I couldn't. My breathing was still coming out in gasps, and I could see black spots in my vision.

Levi dropped me onto the floor and grabbed hold of his head. "Stop fucking fighting me!" he roared, grabbing hold of his hair. "We have a job to do."

I stayed in my spot and clutched my throat, gasping for air. I could feel bruising from where he had choked me, but I wasn't worried about me. No, I was worried about the male in front of me having a mental breakdown.

"Just stop fucking already!" he yelled, baring his teeth. He groaned and grabbed his hair, leaning forward. "GAAAAAAAAHHHH!"

After a few minutes, the controlled Levi seemed to be in control once more. He stared at me and watched as we both gasped for breath.

Not a word was spoken between us as we both wondered what had happened.

Finally, Levi stood and wiped his mouth. He kept his eyes on me as he fixed himself before leaving me alone in the training room.

I sat back, finally able to control my breathing again. My gaze was on the spot that Levi held as my mind whirred with what I had seen.

No matter how many ways I looked at it, I couldn't understand what had happened.

And, I knew that my Levi wouldn't understand either.

Maybe there was a way to break the spell. All I needed was to find the way and try to do it before it was too late.  

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Where stories live. Discover now