Chapter 62

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My phone rang before I reached the warehouse that held my stuff as Alexandra, and I pressed the answer button on my helmet.

"Viper," I said with a small purr in my voice. "How may I assist you this evening?"

"I looked over your prices," the person on the other end of the line said, and I couldn't help but smirk when I noticed that it was the Puppetmaster. "Care meet and have some tea with me in the morning?"

"Sorry, Love," I said with a slightly shake of my head. "But if you are talking about early morning, like nine, then regretfully, I have to decline."

He paused, and I had a feeling that he narrowed his eyes. "And why is that?" he asked, and I couldn't help but smirk and narrow my eyes slightly impressed. "What do you have planned that you can't meet me around that time?"

"Well, Love, that is my time for beauty sleep," I replied sweetly. "I am what you call a... night owl. I function in the dark while normal humans and wolves are asleep in their cozy little beds."

"Or you are Alexandra Delamont, and Mindy is correct," the Puppetmaster said, and I bit back a small snort but shook my head.

"Oh, please," I said and rolled my eyes and scowled. "She and I are two different people, Love. We are not the same person. I thought sending one of your... puppets to her house proved that I wasn't. Did it not?" I raised an eyebrow, even though I knew he couldn't see me.

It was silent on the other end of the line before the Puppetmaster cleared his throat.

"Well?" I asked again and raised my eyebrow higher.

Finally, the Puppetmaster sighed, defeated, and I couldn't help but smirk while I imagined him shaking his head, annoyed with me for some reason. "Would eleven in the evening work for you?" he asked, and my smirk grew deeper. "You shall be paid for the time today and then whenever you work for me."

"With you," I corrected. "I will not work for you, Love."

The Puppetmaster growled again, and I smirked and narrowed my eyes, not fazed.

"Come now, Love," I teased. "You are the one that is asking for my service, not the other way around."

"And I will be the one that is paying you," he said. "Do not anger me, Miss Viper, or else you will not live to see another day."

I laughed and rolled my eyes while I smirked. "Oh, please," I said with a slow drawl. "Your threats do not scare me, Love. I hope you know that."

"They should," he replied darkly. "As I have stated before I h-"

"And so do I," I replied, and my eyes flashed in warning, even though he was not able to see it. "I also have "friends in dark places," good Sir, and I will not stand to be treated as something to be walked over."

The Puppetmaster growled in warning, and I had a feeling that he narrowed his eyes and scowled.

"Well?" I asked and raised an eyebrow while I smirked. "What do you want from me? I will not be waking up early in the morning just for you, so I hope you have a different time set for us."

The Puppetmaster sighed, and I had a feeling that he shook his head, defeated. "We will meet you at eleven tomorrow," he said coldly. "I will send you a location later."

"We?" I asked and raised my eyebrow higher, trying to decide if I needed to figure out who he would be bringing sooner than the meet up or not. "What do you mean by we?"

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Where stories live. Discover now