Chapter 19

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"Hello, Gorgeous, how are you today?" Corey asked, and I rolled my eyes but gave a tired smirk because it was the same old Corey. She loved to flirt just as much as Nike and would flirt with anything and anyone if she felt like it.

"Hello, Corey," I said. I flexed my fingers and inspected the rings that she had given me to collect the blood from my... Alpha. "Care to explain what the rings are for?" I made sure that I had whatever was left for me before I handed the box back to Anthony.

Corey tsked, and I rolled my eyes again. She was amused, I could tell, and I knew that she was amused about my behavior and how I didn't change in the years I hadn't been with the group. "Same old Alexandra," she teased, "always ready to get down to business."

I pursed my lips in disgust and narrowed my eyes. "This has to deal with my Alpha and best friend, Core," I replied tersely. "Of course, I will be down to business and not ready to flirt with you, Doll." I drawled out the last word, and Corey chuckled, and I had a feeling that she either rolled her eyes or winked, even though I wouldn't have been able to see it.

"Same old, Alexandra," she teased again, and I rolled my eyes the third time in a row during this conversation. "Are you going to use your powers of flirting for good or evil?"

"Neither because she doesn't need to," the king said, scolding Corey, and I bit back a snort. "It is good to hear from you again, Alexandra. You should have your stuff on you at all times." I had a feeling that if he were near me, he would be giving me a pointed look.

I pursed my lips, even though my adopted father couldn't see it. "I do not use it, Your Majesty," I replied coldly. "Nor am I under your control, for I am not in any of the sectors."

The sectors... that was what we called the groups that dealt with the king. Each sector had a leader, and the top person was responsible for the well-being of all who entered into their groups. They were the ones responsible for reporting anything and everything to the king, no matter at what cost.

"But you are still my daughter, Alexandra May," the king warned. "I would like to know what happens to you at all times, especially when you are in trouble."

I rolled my eyes and scowled. "I am not in trouble, Your Majesty." I smirked when I sensed him scowling because I had used his title instead of calling him "Father" like he wanted me to. "I know what I am doing."

"You half know what you are doing," Anthony said. He smirked when I shot him a glare and winked. He cleared his throat and looked forward, not meeting my gaze. "Tell Alex what she needs to do to get the blood, Corey. We're almost at the entrance."

I looked forward and saw that we were with Nike waiting for us. I glanced at Analina when she squealed happily and watched as she ran towards him, happier now that she had someone to talk to while we all communicate silently with one another.

"My Love!" she exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips with him laughing at her. "My beautiful love." Again, she placed a kiss on his lips.

"Awwww, young love," Corey teased, and I rolled my eyes again. "Anyway, all you have to do is push the rings next to his neck. They will vibrate when they have enough blood in them. They won't leave a mark."

"Who was the lucky contender?" I asked, knowing full well that someone had to have it tested. I glanced at Anthony when I felt him stiffen and smirked, knowing that it was him.

"It had hurt until this batch," he said. "Like really hurt, but now there is a little pinch, and it shouldn't alert him."

I nodded my head and raised an eyebrow to see that they both were still kissing. "Are you two done?" I asked. "You two need to pull away to breathe, you know.

Nike didn't answer but flicked me off, and I raised an eyebrow, amused. He pulled away from his mate and studied me in the dress, grinning and nodded his head. "Well?" he asked, meeting my gaze. He turned his mate around and placed his head on her shoulder, having to lean down to do it. "Did I do a good job?"

I scowled and narrowed my eyes. "It would have been if it didn't remind me of her," I replied coldly, emphasizing on her. "You know that she would have picked out this dress."

And I am sure that I still have one like this laying around somewhere.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Anthony asked, changing the subject. "I am sure that we are already late, and we need to get... business taken care of." He gave Nike a pointed look, and the male rolled his eyes.

"Yes, we are ready to go," he said. He placed a quick kiss on Analina's cheek before he stood and walked towards the entrance with a hand on her back.

Anthony cleared his throat and tore my gaze away from them. He raised an eyebrow and held out his arm. "For old times sake?" he asked, talking about the times that I had placed my arm on his, and he guided me to the ball until I disappeared into the shadows that surrounded us.

I bit back a sigh and nodded my head while I placed my arm through his. "For old time's sake," I replied.

"Good luck," Corey sang in a sing-song type of voice, and a small smirk flickered onto my lips while I snorted.

I'm going to need this if I am going to pull this off. I don't know if I can...

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ