Chapter 52

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Levi and I finished the tea at the exact same time, and I pushed my cup to Horus without looking into it and leaned back in my seat, waiting to see what he had to say. My mate looked at me before he hesitantly pushed the cup in front of him too, not knowing what would happen.

I folded my arms across my chest and stayed silent, tapping the tip of my finger against my arm, the only indication that I was nervous while I stared at him with a blank look on my face.

Horus looked at me and scowled before he took both cups into his hands. He didn't say a word while he twisted them around, seeing but not seeing a single thing.

The tension in the air grew thick with each passing second, and I was getting restless and anxious, not liking being kept waiting.

"Well?" I asked finally, my voice sharp and harsh. My patience with him was wearing thin, and all I wanted to do was know what he was seeing before I had to get Levi back to the pack before he was missed. "What are you seeing?"

"I see that you are needing to shut up," Horus said in a snippy tone, and I scowled and narrowed my eyes at him. He sighed and shook his head while he cleared his throat. "My apologies, Miss DeLamont," he said and dipped his head. "However, I need to focus on everything inside the cup before I can give you a clear answer."

I didn't respond and gestured for him to continue to look at the cup. I was getting nervous, anxious even, and I knew that we were running out of time. I had to get him back to the pack and back into their control, even though I did not want to.

My mate slowly reached across the table and grabbed my hand that was resting on the table, shaking. He didn't say a word and kept looking at Horus, waiting for Horus to say something, anything that would give us a clear indication on what was happening to him, to us.

I glanced at Levi before I looked at Horus. I didn't say a word and waited for Horus, keeping my hand in his grasp. I had a slight knowledge on what he was going to say, but that didnt' stop the nerves from getting to me.

Horus's brows became creased with worry while he looked at the cup, and he twisted one before he put it down and picked up another. He twisted it in his hands before he sighed and shook his head while he cleared his throat.

Slowly, he looked at us, and the worry on his face grew and then it turned to become grave. "Come," he instructed, looking at me and not at both of us. "Come over here and see if this is what you had seen last night."

Last night...

I couldn't help but shake my head and press my lips into a thin line because I had no idea how all of this could happen in one night when my life had been nothing but wondering what was wrong with the male that I was in love with and trying to find answers to help him.

Levi pressed his lips into a thin and stayed silent. He squeezed my hand before he let go, and I looked at him instead of going to Horus like he said. His deep blue eyes were filled with pain and looked like the ocean. He wanted to know what was in the cups, but he knew that he would only be able to know if Horus said that it was fine.

I studied the male that stole my heart and didn't say a word. I offered him a grim smile before I stood and broke the eye contact between us first.

I looked at Horus and made my way towards him, his unseeing eyes watching me every step of the way.

Levi stayed silent and watched me. His eyes burned a hole through my body, and I knew that if he could, then I would burst into flames because of his stare.

I stopped when I reached Horus and peered over his shoulder to see the cups that we drank from.

The tea leaves in the cups looked exactly the same, but there was something different in them, at least in the one that I drank from and not from Levi's.

"Well?" Horus asked and raised an eyebrow while he looked at me. "Do they look similar to the ones you saw last night?"

I shook my head, no and pointed to the one that I drank from. "That is different," I replied. "It is not the same as the one last night when I drank from it."

He nodded. "What is different from it?"

"It's darker than it was last night," I replied. I pointed to the rim where there were many clusters of tea leaves. "That was not there either," I added. "The lines are the same though." I furrowed my brows and cleared my throat while I studied it closer. "But mine has become thinner than it was last night."

Horus nodded and stayed silent. He gestured for me to continue, even though unlike him, I couldn't read nor understand it.

I studied the cup further and saw that there was a small cluster of leaves closer to the big blob that had been there last night.

Dread and sadness filled my body, and I had a feeling that whatever that meant meant that something bad would happen.

Something bad would happen to me, and there was nothing that I could do to stop it.

"Well?" Horus asked, solemnly. He knew that I picked up on something. He wanted to see what I was going to say and then either confirm or deny what I said.

I sighed and shook my head before I pointed to the area where there was a small cluster of leaves that was closer to the big blob that had been there the night before. "Something bad is going to happen to me," I said in a tone that I would use as if I was talking about the weather. "That is what that part means, doesn't it?"

Horus nodded and smiled grimly. "Y-"

"What?!" Levi asked, interrupting Horus from speaking. Panic and fear filled his voice while he stood, pushing his chair back until it fell on the ground with a loud thunk! He looked at me. "What do you mean?" He looked at Horus. "What does she mean?"

Horus sighed and shook his head. He pressed his lips into a thin line and stared at Levi, unamused. He didn't say a word while he stared at my mate, and my mate slowly started to become uncomfortable and shift in his seat, trying to relieve himself of the tension he felt.

"Horus, you better not be doing any mind control shit on him," I warned, feeling protective of my mate. "This is neither the time nor the place to do it, especially since we are running out of time."

I nodded towards Levi. "He needs to be back on pack grounds soon. I know that Mindy is worried about him." I spat out her name with such venom that Levi flinched and looked guilty because he was "with" her.

He didn't say a word nor comment about how I shouldn't talk to his mate like that, and I wondered if it was because he was fighting the spell that made him be with her and to let her do whatever she pleased with him.

"Hmph," Horus said and turned his gaze towards me. He had an amused smile on his face, and I rolled my eyes and scowled, unamused. He dipped his head and cleared his throat. "Of course, Alpha," he said before he turned his attention back to the cup.

I rolled my eyes and scowled but didn't say a word while I looked at the cups again. I stayed silent while I waited praying that he would soon tell me, for I had a feeling that whatever secrets that it held could lead to my demise or to a new beginning in which I wasn't in control any longer.

Horus cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. "You are going to be losing a part of yourself," he said, "in some shape or form, you'll be losing yourself, and there is no way for you to be able to stop it or change what is written."

I slowly nodded and pressed my lips into a thin line. I had a feeling that was what it meant when I felt the dread and had no idea if it had to do with what I was or if it had to deal with me being the Viper. "Is there someone else that will be able to control me or help me save me from myself?" I asked while I looked at him.

Horus grimaced and shrugged, and I had a feeling that he didn't know and wished that he did. "I wish that I knew, Alpha," he said solemnly. "However, it is not written in the leaves."

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