Chapter 57

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My phone rang as soon as I was close to Bryant's location, and I answered it. "Do you have good news for me, Doll?" I asked with a small purr. "Am I going to get paid?" I raised an eyebrow and cocked my head just a tad.

Bryant huffed, and I had a feeling that he rolled his eyes. "Yes," he said, disgruntled, and I couldn't help but smirk. "You will get paid for your services."

I bit back a smirk. "Good, good," I said. "Now, where am I meeting you tonight? I'll send you the information about how to pay me and whatnot later."

"Or never," Bryant muttered.

"Excuse me?" I asked and raised an eyebrow, mildly impressed. "What did you say?"

Bryant didn't say a word, and I could tell that he was mentally cursing himself for what he said. His heart skipped a beat, and I had to make sure that I didn't smirk because I knew I wasn't supposed to hear that.

"Well?" I asked and raised my eyebrow higher. "What is it that you said?" I paused and let him sweat it out. "If it is what I think you have said, then I must warn you that I do not take kindly to threats about my life or my job. You can try as you might, but I am hard to kill."

Bryant didn't say a word and cleared his throat. "I'll get you your information," he said, not saying another word about trying to kill me or not. "When should we expect you here?"

"And who is we?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. I moved to the side of the road and stopped, waiting for him to send me the address to the phone. "And send me the address to this number. I'll let you know how long it'll take me to get there when I receive it, Doll."

Bryant bristled on the other side of the phone, and I had to bite my lip to keep from smirking. "Of course," he said and did what I said. "You should be receiving it shortly."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket when it went ding and looked at the address and directions to get there.

A small smirk appeared on my lips when I saw that I wasn't that far away and knew that I would be able to scope out the situation and place before I had to make an appearance.

"Well?" Bryant asked when I didn't say anything off the bat. "How long is it going to take you to get here?"

"I'll be there in twenty-five," I replied while I dipped my head closer to my chest, "twenty if I don't get stopped by anyone or traffic."

It was going to be around five minutes for me to get there, but he didn't need to know that.

Bryant bit back a growl of annoyance, and I had a feeling that he rubbed his face. "Fine," he said sharply. "We will see you in twenty. Do not be late."

And with that, he hung up before I could say another word.

I looked at my phone and smirked. "Hmph," I said before I started the bike again and started to take a path in the woods so that I could hide my bike before I went to meet them.

Maybe, just maybe, I could meet his master, but I was sure that wasn't going to happen until quite later in the game we seemed to be finding ourselves playing.

Hopefully this wouldn't hurt Levi...

And if it did, hopefully, it wouldn't hurt him too bad.


I drove my bike down the long, winding path after I had scouted the area to make sure I knew where they were and who was there as well as making sure I had enough escape routes planned if needed.

Bryant scowled when he saw me pull up, and I raised an eyebrow in question, even though he couldn't see it because of the tint of my visor. "You're late," he said coldly when I turned off my motorbike and put the kickstand down.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes while I unhooked my helmet and pulled it off of my helmet. "Please," I said and shook out my head so that my hair would fall to my shoulders. "I am right on time."

Bryant pressed his lips into a thin line and narrowed his eyes. "Haven't you heard the sayin-"

"'Early is on time, on time is late and late is unacceptable,'" I quoted and rolled my eyes. "That is for your penny pinchers who want to earn more cash and don't have anything better to do, Doll," I said. "Lucky for you, I was able to finish my business early before I came." I flashed him a smirk and a wink.

"Then you don't know the concept of time nor business," someone new said, and I looked at them and grinned; he was a master to this puppet of a man.

He stood at about 6'4 with a slender frame and a calculative, cold gaze. He was handsome, to say the least, and I had this feeling that he was just as much of a charmer as he was evil.

This was going to be fun.

"I do, Love," I said with a slight purr in my voice, "but I have many clients and many businesses that I attend to."

"And she is also Alexandra DeLamont," the annoying voice of Mindy said, and I had to hold back an eye roll and a scowl. "Sir, I am serious, she is Alexandra DeLamont. Please don't let her fool you."

The male looked at her before she looked at me. "Really now?" he asked, and his voice was a pitch higher while he stared at me with newfound interest.

I tucked my head closer to my chest and gave him a sly smile. "Princess here got it in her little pretty head that I am Alexandra and should not be trusted, Love. What she doesn't understand is that Alexandra is on a little tight leash, and she can't go anywhere without her "father's" approval nor knowledge."

"Are your pants on fire?" Corey asked, and I held back an eye roll and a scowl. "Because that is a complete and total lie."

"Isn't she a King's Guard?" the male asked and raised an eyebrow while he studied me.

"She is," I confirmed and nodded. "She is also the king's adopted daughter, which shouldn't be a surprise."

"Hmph." He pursed his lips in annoyance and studied me, and I made sure to keep my face neutral while I waited for him to say something. "Are you sure?" he asked and looked at Mindy.

"Yes." She nodded. "Why don't you call him and send him over to see if she is there? I know that her truck wouldn't be over there."

He looked at her, pulling his gaze off of me. "Does she park in front of her house anyway?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

Mindy looked at him before she slowly looked away and shifted on her feet. She was scared of him, and I had to make sure to keep myself from grinning. "No..." she trailed off and cleared her throat. "She doesn't park her car in front of her house..."

"Hmph." He looked at Bryant. "Call him," he said, and Bryant nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Call who?" I asked and raised an eyebrow while I looked between the two of them. "And may I ask about who you are? I don't think we have met, Love."

"Hey, you are only allowed to call me, Love," Corey said, and I held back an eye roll and a scowl.

"Shut up," I said.

The male smirked. "I will answer your question after Bryant calls Levithan and sees if Alexandra is there and puts her mind at ease." He gestured towards Mindy, and I glanced at her before I looked at him.

I shrugged and leaned against the front of my motorbike, not even bothering to get off while I looked at Bryant. "Well, Doll, go ahead and call him. Let's see if she is there so Princess can stop worrying and we can get on with this stupendous meeting. I don't know about you, but I get paid by the hour."

"For now."

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Where stories live. Discover now