Chapter 66

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My phone rang the following morning, waking me up, and I bit back a small groan of annoyance before I turned to face away from my phone, squeezing my eyes shut. Who the fuck is calling me this early? I silently asked with another small groan and pulled my blanket over my head.

The phone stopped ringing before it started to ring again, and I groaned in annoyance and turned towards my phone, opening my eyes and pulling the blankets off of my head.

What the actual fuck? I silently wondered with a small growl in my voice. Who the hell is calling me? I grabbed my phone and answered the call, not checking the caller ID.

"This is Alexandra," I said because this was my regular phone and not my work phone for the Viper. I closed my eyes again while I buried my whole body into my blankets, biting back a yawn. "Speaking?"

The person chuckled, amused, and I opened my eyes again while I sat up in my bed, instantly recognizing the phone caller, even though he hadn't said a single word.


"Hello, Alexandra," he said in a calm voice that only he could possess. "It is me, your adopted father."

I held back an eye roll while I scowled and shifted in bed, debating on whether or not I should go to my office to take this call but instantly deciding against it with a shake of my head. "I knew that it was you when you chuckled, Father," I said. "What do you want? Why are you calling me? Are y-"

"I am fine, Alexandra," he said, interrupting me. "However, I want to see how you are doing." He paused and cleared his throat to bite back another chuckle, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "So, how are you doing? Are you ok?"

I pursed my lips in annoyance before I sighed and shook my head, clearing my throat. "I have been better," I replied coldly before I cleared my throat and shifted on my bed. "Why are you calling me? You know that it isn't safe for you t-"

The king chuckled, interrupting me. "I will be fine, Alexandra," he said softly. "You don't have to be so worried about me, especially when I am calling to check on you."

I pursed my lips further in annoyance and wrinkled my nose before I shook my head and bit back a small growl. "I don't think you understand the importance of keeping you safe and away from danger, Your Majesty," I said, my voice cold and dark, and my father cleared his throat to hide another chuckle.

"I understand the importance of it, Alexandra Dear," he said softly before he cleared his throat to hide a chuckle. "I have the Kings Guard to protect me and then have you to make sure that I am staying safe." I had a feeling that he shifted in his seat, hearing the sound of leather shifting.

I held back an eye roll and scowled. "Where are you, Father?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Well, I am in my office," he replied, and I had a feeling that he shrugged. "I have paperwork that I have to attend to, but I wanted to check on you first."

"Hmph." I closed my eyes and bit back a small sigh. "I am fine, Father," I said coldly before I cleared my throat and grew serious. "What are you working on?"

"Don't worry about it, Alexandra," he said softly, and I held back an eye roll but scowled. He bit back a small chuckle before he cleared his throat and grew serious. "It's nothing serious and nothing important. Ok?"

I held back an eye roll before I sighed and shook my head, deciding to let this subject drop. "Of course, Father," I said tersely, earning a small chuckle from him. "Are you sure tha-"

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Where stories live. Discover now