Chapter 53

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Levi was silent when he heard the news that I was going to lose myself. Pain and worry filled his eyes while he stared at me, and I had a feeling that he wanted to be the one to save me from myself but knew that he couldn't, but yet at least.

The air in the room grew tenser and tenser, and it felt as if it was suffocating us with the news of my own demise, but I knew that it wouldn't be the end of me.

"Well, it's a good thing that I am a fighter, anyway," I said and moved a hand through my hair before I shook my head. "Does it tell you anything else?"

Horus shook his head no and bit back a sigh. "It didn't," he said. "You know the rest of what the cups had to say."

"So Levi's cup hasn't changed?"

Again, he shook his head, no. "It hasn't," he said. "You mustn't worry about that."

I pressed my lips into a thin line and nodded, biting back a snort when he told me not to worry about Levi's cup. "Good," I said and cleared my throat. "I am going to worry about what his cup says," I added. "It is my job to know what is happening with him and to see if I can't make sure that he stays safe even if..." I paused and glanced at my mate before I looked at Horus again, "... he is being controlled by someone."

Horus hummed in agreement and nodded. "Now that you have seen the cups, go sit," he said and gestured for me to sit down again. "I am sure that the Alpha has some questions. After that, you two shall go back to the pack and continue on as normal."

I bit back a scoff and held back an eye roll while I walked back to the seat I had inhabited before I went to see the cups.

Levi watched me walk over to him and tried to offer me a tight smile that looked fake on his face. He didn't say a word while I settled in before he looked at Horus and raised an eyebrow. "Do you know what has happened to me?" he asked. He grimaced and dipped his head. "Or to her Alpha?"

"As I have stated before, you should start thinking of yourself as one person and not two separate people," Horus said. He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat while he grew serious. "I do know what had happened to you and what they were hoping to accomplish."

Levi and I looked at each other before we looked at him, waiting for him to say what they were hoping to accomplish. We didn't say a word while we waited, but Horus didn't say a word but stared at us with unseeing eyes.

"Well?" I asked, finally, my tone sharp. I pressed my lips into a thin line but didn't apologize when Horus looked at me. "What did they want to accomplish? Who are they? I know that Bryant is just a puppet to them, not a good puppet, but a puppet at least."

Levi scoffed out a laugh and rolled his eyes. "You don't know him like I do," he said. "He is dangerous, more dangerous than you."

I snorted and shook my head, pitying him. "Please," I said and held back an eye roll. "No one can be as dangerous as me, not for long anyway." I moved a hand across my arm and sighed before I cleared my throat. "I can't say much of what I am like Horus can't say much about what is happening to you, to us, for our safety, but I can assure you that I am more dangerous than a man with a little dick, who thinks he is so tough and so scary."

"Like you?" Levi asked and raised an eyebrow. "You know that you are basically pointing two fingers at yourself. If you don't think he is so scary, then why should we think that you are scary."

I cocked my head and sneered, and Levi's eyes grew wide because he again realized how dangerous I was. "Sweetie, I am the Viper," I all but purred. "Whatever she had done and can do is something that I don't allow myself to do, for I know that something bad could happen if I did."

"There are a few other things about her that she can't say," Horus warned, and he looked at him. He smiled and dipped his head. "However, those are the reasons why she is much more dangerous than this... Bryant person or any one of the main people's... cronies? Is that what you call them these days?" He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips into a thin line. "It is one word for them," I said. "Sidekicks, the underdogs, whatever, they all mean the same thing, Horus."

Hirus didn't reply and shrugged. There was a look of amusement on his face, but he kept his mouth shut and didn't try to make another comment.

I bit back a sigh and shook my head before I cleared my throat and cocked my head. "What were they trying to accomplish, Horus?" I asked, changing the subject back to the matter at hand, not caring about Levi. "And have they succeeded?"

"In part they have," Horus said and leaned back in his seat. He cleared his throat and rested his hands on the table, being mindful of the cups. "They have control over Leviathan, who happens to be your true mate." He gestured to my mate.

Levi and I looked at each other when he said that and stayed silent. He studied me, trying to gauge my reaction, but I made sure to keep my face blank, not wanting him to see behind the mask I wore.

Levi sighed and shook his head before he turned his attention back to Horus, annoyed. "What do you mean about her being my true mate?" he asked, asking the question that was going on in my mind. "I thought that B-" He tried to say his first mate's name but couldn't, so he sighed and shook his head again. "- she was my true mate."

Horus shook his head. "The rejection and death were going to happen," he said. He looked at me when he said that, and I pressed my lips into a thin line.

He looked at Levi again and cleared his throat. "When they were going to happen was the question."

"So my first mate was going to die?" I asked, and Horus nodded in confirmation. "No matter what I did or didn't do?"

"Correct," Horus said. "You didn't have any control of him dying or not. It was written that he would be killed."

I licked my lips and shifted in my seat. My whole body was tense, and my heart pounded hard in my chest. I was nervous about the next thing that came out of my mouth, for I had no idea how Levi would react to it. I had no idea what he would say, or do, and I prayed that whatever I said wouldn't affect the relationship between us.

So, with a deep breath and another clear of my throat, I asked, "was it written for me to be the one that killed him, or did I change my path when I did?"

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Where stories live. Discover now