Chapter 63

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I walked out of the woods and moved a hand through my hair with a tired sigh, grateful that Salem decided to leave the way that they knew I would be coming from to make it seem like we were the same person and not two different people that looked the same.

"Alexandra!" Levi exclaimed, and I looked that way to see that he was walking quickly towards me with a phone near his ear. Worry filled his eyes, and I could tell that he was worried about me and whatever the person on the phone said. "Where the hell were you going? Why did you leave your house when it is not permitted to be out and about at this late hour?"

I pursed my lips in annoyance and dipped my head closer to my chest, silently wondering if it was the Puppetmaster and Bryant on the phone with him. "I needed a run," I replied coldly. "I fucking hate being cooped up in a house at all hours of the day, which you should already know, Leviathan."

Levi pressed his lips into a thin line and narrowed his eyes because he did not appreciate my tone with him. "Were you going to train?" he asked, and I had a feeling that he was asking that question because of the people on the other side of the line.

"I can't, remember?" I asked and raised an eyebrow, and Levi scowled and narrowed his eyes further. "I don't want to get kicked out of the fucking pack because I am going against the rules. I just wanted to run before I started to get some school work done."

He pressed his lips into a thin line again while he studied me before he cleared his throat and cocked his head. "Why was Bea at your place?" he asked, changing the subject, and I shrugged and grimaced because I didn't know.

"Grams wanted to talk to her about something," I replied coldly and shrugged again. "I've stopped trying to ask my grandmother questions because she won't answer them. All she does is give me that stupid smile, pat my arm, and just stay silent or shake her head, indicating that it wasn't important."

He sighed and shook his head before he cleared his throat and stared at me with eyes filled with pain and sadness. "Just be careful, Alexandra," he said softly, and I pursed my lips in annoyance and rolled my eyes, hiding back a scoff.

"Gee, it's not like I haven't done stupid shit before," I said sarcastically before I cleared my throat and grew serious while I folded my arms across my chest. "Remember, Alpha, I am an Alronan. I didn't get there by playing by the rules."

Levi moved a hand across his face before he shook his head and sighed, looking slightly defeated. "Are you the Viper?" he asked, changing the subject again, and I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Are you going to keep asking me that?" I asked, not answering his question while I cocked my head and studied him. "Or are you going to keep asking her if she is me?"

He narrowed his eyes and scowled but didn't say a word.

"I am not the Viper, Alpha," I said and shook my head. "If you don't believe me, then that's fine. It amuses me that people think I am her, but I don't think my adopted father would like it."

"Hmph." He narrowed his eyes and scowled while he studied me, and I had a feeling that he wanted to try and believe me, but for whatever reason, I knew that he didn't, no matter how hard he tried.

Levi grabbed the phone tighter. He set his jaw and narrowed his eyes, and a look of pain flashed his eyes as if whoever was on the phone with him said something that caused him harm.

"Are you ok?" I asked and furrowed my brows while I cocked my head. Concern filled my body because I knew that the Puppetmaster was controlling him and causing him to feel some sort of pain because he didn't do what was asked.

"I am," he confirmed and nodded before he cleared his throat before he took a deep, shuddering breath and released it with a small whoosh. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I am very sorry, Alexandra."

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Where stories live. Discover now