Chapter 35

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Horus smiled and nodded when I looked at him, my wolf growling in anger and annoyance at being locked up. "Well, done," he praised, and I scowled. "I knew that it wouldn't take you that long to figure it out."

"What did you do?" I asked. My tone was darker, and there was a slight warning in my tone. However, Horus was unphased by my threatening tone, and that pissed me off because there was no way in hell he couldn't care about his head being attached to his body.

"A few tests to see if you could figure them out and defeat them," Horus replied, seeming unaware about his foreseeable death. He gestured to my cup and told me to continue drinking it, so I rolled my eyes but continued to drink it. "It was best for someone that you could trust to do them first before they were done to you."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I don't trust you," I said, "especially after that."

"Well, I said that you could," Horus replied and drank a sip of his tea, "but it is okay if you don't." He set the teacup down and cleared his throat. "Your grandmother trusts me."

"My grandmother has known you longer than I," I replied. I leaned back in my seat and scowled, "and I have a feeling that you didn't do the same tests to her as you have done on me."

Horus shrugged. "I haven't," he replied. "However, I didn't need to. Someone else had done it."

I sat straighter in my seat and became protective of my grandmother. "Who did it?" I asked, and my voice turned darker. "Who tried to control my grandmother?"

Horus chuckled. "You might meet them soon enough," he said. He took a sip of tea and ignored my growl. "Now, now," he scolded, and I scowled. "That is not necessary." He gestured to the cup in my hand. "Drink, drink," he said. "You don't want it to get cold."

I huffed but drank some more. I had no idea what he wanted with me and prayed that it wouldn't cause me any harm. I knew that I could trust him because of my grandmother, but that was something that would take time.

Horus chuckled and took another sip of his tea. Amusement filled his body, and I couldn't help but scowl because it felt like he was mocking me, mocking the way that I did not want to drink the tea in front of him or be in his company. "You don't have to be so uptight, Beta," Horus said, breaking the tense silence that had fallen on us. He looked at me with unseeing eyes, and I scowled. "I give you my word that you will not be harmed under my presence."

I didn't respond and took another sip of my drink. I had no idea why I was still sitting here drinking this tea when I needed to get information, but I was. I had a feeling that he knew some of the answers to the questions that I had, but I had a feeling that he would answer them.

"I will answer your questions tomorrow," Horus said as if he read my mind. "For now, I need to see what answers lie in your cup of tea, and then you need to go back to the pack. You're about to be missed."

I growled a small warning, but I did not say a word. My whole body was tense, and I set my jaw. I hated having to wait for information, and I made sure that he could tell that I was not pleased.

"It would be best if your mate were here, too," Horus said. "I will be able to see what I need to see and to give you the help that you so desire when you two are in my presence."

"And yet, you will not tell me how to do that," I said, sarcastically. I finished the rest of my tea and slid the cup over to him. "Here, see what you need to see out of this," I grumbled. I folded my arms across my chest and scowled. "If you see death, then don't bother telling me. I already know about the death."

"Such a nice female," Horus said teasingly, and I scowled. He chuckled and placed his cup down before he reached for my cup.

As soon as he reached for my cup, there was this blinding flash and small pop! that had him flinching away from the cup.

I shoved myself away from the table and stared at Horus with narrowed eyes. My whole body was tense, and my heart pounded in my chest while I looked at him.

Horus's groan of pain had me out of my defensive mode and into that of a trained medic. He did not look at me when I moved closer to him, and I had a feeling that he didn't want me to see whatever happened. "Leave," he said, his voice hoarse.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "That's not happening," I said. "Let me see." I tried to move closer to him only to be stopped by this force field of some sort. My whole body was super aware of this force field that pushed me a bit away from him.

"No," he said. "I am fine." He gritted his teeth together and held his hand closer to his chest, and I knew that he was not fine. "Leave now."


"NO!" Horus exclaimed. He waved me off, letting me see what appeared to be the mark that he didn't "want" me to see. "Go. I'll see you tomorrow."

I pressed my lips into a firm line but nodded. "You better explain what you saw," I said before I turned on my heel and walked to the door. I didn't look back at him and opened the door, hating the fact that I had to leave him in pain.

"I will," Horus promised before I closed the door behind me. "All I need you to do is trust me."

I tightened my grip on the door and set my jaw. I didn't say a word and walked the rest of the way out of the house before closing the door behind me.

I had no idea why Horus wanted me to trust him, but I didn't; I didn't trust him.

Not yet, at least.

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