Chapter 46

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I walked down the steps of my house and made it into the kitchen to see that Levi and my grandmother were there and discussing something. I leaned against the doorframe that blocked the kitchen from the living room and folded my arms across my chest while I looked at them.

"Do you know where she is taking me?" Levi asked, and I could pick up a bit of nervousness in his voice. He clutched the tea cup harder in his hands while he looked at her, and I could tell that he was praying my grandmother would answer him.

"I do not," my grandmother said. She sighed and cleared her throat while she shook her head. "My granddaughter doesn't tell me her doings or where she is going." She paused and cocked her head while she studied him and shrugged. "Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

Levi scoffed and rolled his eyes while he scowled. "Gee, thanks, Grams," he said sarcastically. "That is really helpful."

My grandmother shrugged. "What I can tell you is that you are safe with her. She will make sure that no harm comes to you."

Levi pursed his lips in disgust and looked down. Annoyance and sadness filled the space between them, and my heart grew heavy with guilt. "Then why d-"

"Because it was against the rules," my grandmother said in a tone that had him flinching away from her. She scowled and narrowed her eyes at him, and annoyance flickered through them. "Unfortunately, Leviathan, you were supposed to find the place on your own with no help from the King's Guards. If things got tough, then..." She trailed off and shrugged while she grimaced and looked away from him. "It's a test, Leviathan," she said and looked at him. "Each member of the King's Guard has to find their way there. It is t-"

"It is also something that doesn't need to be discussed," I said from the doorway, interrupting her. I blinked unimpressed when Levi jumped and twisted to face me with a snarl on his face.

"Hmph," my grandmother said. She gestured to the table, and I looked at the table before I looked at her. "Sit and drink a cup of tea before you leave, Dear," she said while she stood to get me a cup of tea.

I pressed my lips into a thin line. I didn't want to go through the whole cup thing again because I had a feeling that was what would happen with Horus since he would want to see the bond between us.

"Alexandra May, sit down," she said in a sharp tone, and I cringed because I did not like that tone, especially from her. My grandmother gave me a knowing look and didn't say a word about what was going to happen if it was going to happen.

I didn't move and flinched a little while I stared at her. I didn't want to sit down and drink another tea, even though I knew that my grandmother would get the final say in the end.

My grandmother dipped her head and stared at me with a look that I knew all too well. She stayed silent while she waited for me to do what she said.

I huffed while I gave in and sat down beside Levi, knowing that I wouldn't be able to win a fight against her. I knew that she had more patience than me when it came to that sort of thing, and she wouldn't have allowed us to leave if I didn't do what she said.

"Hmph," my grandmother chuckled before she placed a cup of tea in front of me. She shook her head silently, and I relaxed a little because that was her way of telling me that they weren't connected before she sat down on the other side of the table.

I subtly nodded and took the cup of tea. I took a sip of it and stayed silent, feeling Levi's gaze on my face. However. I didn't look at him while I took another sip of my tea and ignored him.

Levi cleared his throat and shifted in his seat while he looked at me. "Where are you taking me?" Levi asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Finish your tea, and then we'll leave," I replied and took another sip of my tea.

Levi scowled and narrowed his eyes at me while he studied me, trying to see if he couldn't come up with something. "And what will you do if I said no?" he asked when he couldn't find anything. He took a sip of his tea, even though I could tell that he wanted to know what I would do if he didn't go with me.

I leaned back in my seat and sighed while I looked at him, folding my arms across my chest. "Then I'd kidnap you," I replied and shrugged, bored of the conversation. "It's simple, really, Alpha. You'll be coming with me no matter what you say."

Levi scowled and finished his tea. He didn't say a word, and I could tell that he was debating with himself and my Levi about whether or not he should go with me willingly or not.

I stayed silent and turned my attention back to my tea. Silently, I finished the cup while I watched him from the corner of my eye, wondering what his decision would be.

Finally, he sighed and nodded, and he looked defeated. He slouched in his seat and folded his arms across his chest while he pouted. "Ok," he said, and I turned my attention to him and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Ok?" I asked and raised my eyebrow higher, and Levi nodded. My heart skipped a beat before it started to pound, and I was grateful that I decided to wear a suit provided by the King's Guard so that he couldn't hear it.

He sighed and moved a hand through his hair while he shook his head. "I'll go with you, Alexandra," he said, and I had to keep my face blank because I hated him saying my name, even though I told him to. "I don't know where you are taking me, but I will still go."

I nodded and stood, relieved that I wouldn't have to knock him out. "Ok," I said and started to walk to the coat rack where I had my jackets. "Then let's go. I don't want to be late, even though he hadn't given me a set time."

"You are taking my car," Grams said while she stood too. She walked over to where she kept her keys. "You don't need to be taking that old clunky thing of yours."

I rolled my eyes and scowled while I grabbed my jacket, making sure that the Viper's jacket was still hidden. "It's not old and clunky, Grams," I said and pulled it on. "It runs just fine, and I c-"

I wasn't able to say another word because there was a loud clatter behind me followed by a thud of a person falling.

I twisted around to see what had happened, my heart stopping because I had no idea what happened to my mate.

Levi was lying on the ground with the cup of tea beside him. He looked peaceful, as if he was just sleeping, but I knew that wasn't true; he had taken something that made him pass out.

"Grams?" I asked and looked at her, my voice shaking while I watched her move over towards him. Worry and fear filled it, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep it out.

She knelt beside him and checked him over before she looked at me, her face grave and forlorn. "He's fine," she said, and I breathed a small sigh of relief. She winked and offered me a small smile that relaxed my worries a little. "Horus didn't want him awake when you took him to meet him."

I hesitated but nodded. "But he is safe?" I asked.

My grandmother sighed and slowly nodded. "As safe as he can be with being controlled by someone else," she said. She cleared her throat and gestured to him. "Now, come, let's get him into the car before he wakes. Horus is expecting you soon."

I stayed silent and nodded while I walked over to my mate. I moved my hand through his hair before I picked him up and walked him to the car.

Goddess, please let Horus have some answers for us. Please.

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