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"Are you ok?" Eric's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look up to see him standing by the door, waiting for me.
"I wish I knew who did this." I let it out barely above a whisper and I can see the anger in his eyes.
"As soon as we do, I'm going to break his neck." He reached his hand out for mine so I took it, enjoying the familiar feeling.
As we walk down the halls towards the rec for breakfast, I voice my thoughts, "I can't believe we aren't having a baby." I feel him tense and the veins his neck show more than normal.
"Kraven, we will try again. You got pregnant so easily last time, I'm sure it won't be hard to do again."
I rip my hand out of his and stop. He turns and looks at me confused.
"Don't talk about him like is just replaceable! He isn't! He was our son! Getting pregnant again won't fix that Eric! Someone killed our son!" I was yelling and before I finished tears were running down my cheeks and breathing hurt. He reached to pull me into his arms, he looked heart broken, but I pulled away from him.
"I'm not hungry." I hurry away from him but he knew better than to chase me. I didn't want to be chased, I just wanted to be left alone. since the accident, no one has left me alone. It's as if they are afraid I would freak more than I already have.

I find myself standing on the chasm, being at the scene of the accident had finally made my mind clear.
I don't feel like a leader, I don't even feel like I have place. my feet start moving and I find myself standing in Max's office
""What can I do for you Kraven?" His eyes were slightly softer than normal and I could feel his pity.
"I need something to do Max. Assign me to something, please."
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before looking back at me.
"Eric doesn't think you are ready. He thinks you need some time."
"Time?! All I've had is time Max! Time to sit around and think about the child that was growing inside of me! I'm fucking done with time!"
His eyes are wide and he is in just as much shock as I am that I yelled at him.
He stands up and gives me a firm look.
"Kraven I am still your leader! But I understand where you are coming from. I'm sending some guards to Erudite for some research precaution, they don't have a leader assigned to them yet. Eric won't be happy about it, but you can go if you like."
"Yes! I'll do it. Please though, don't let Eric go."
"I'll keep him so occupied he won't even know." he gives me a smile, I knew I was his favorite.

Eric's POV

I haven't had a chance to talk to Kraven since her little freak out yesterday. I didn't even see her at home, I just figured she was staying with the girls. Max has had me running around like a fucking nazi! I get a second to eat so I head to the Rec and sit with Zac. I spot Marlene walking by and stop her.
"Hey, how is Kraven?" I asked and she looked completely confused.
"Uhm... I guess she is ok? I haven't seen her in a few days."
"Wait, she didn't sleep at your place last night?"
"No. Eric what's going on?"
I ignored her question as I hurried to the control room, anger boiling over.
I banged on the door and when Tris answered I pushed my way past her.
"Four! Where the hell is she?"
He turned around in his seat and sighed, "She told Max that she needed to get out. He sent her with those guards to Erudite."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I couldn't believe this.
"Eric she will be fine..."
"Four, I made a deal with Jeanine. that I would help get with this shit she was testing on people to find Divergent's... Kraven can't be tested."
"Oh fuck."
He was out of his chair in a hurry and we were both running for the train.

Authors note:::::

Thanks so much for reading!! Please leave me your thoughts! I promise it will help me write faster! I moved and started a new job so Im sorry it's been forever!!!

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