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My chest rises and falls at a quickened pace. I look at Eric who is still asleep and sigh, running a hand through my hair.
I had thought that I knew what I was going to do but after that dream, after feeling Eric's gun so close to my skin, I don't know how brave I really am.
I pull myself out of bed and he stirs awake.
"What time is it?" He asked me in a muffled voice and I could help but smile as I looked at the clocked.
"It's 3 am. Go back to sleep." I lean forward and kiss him gently before he closes his eyes, falling back into a peaceful slumber.
I look at the floor and pull my jeans back on over my boy cut undies and my shirt hangs half tucked in. I grab my boots and carry them as I walk out the door. I couldn't sleep now. I was wide awake.
I slipped my boots on after I shut the door and then head down towards the dorms. I didn't really want to be there either but I didn't have a choice.Walking over the chasm I find myself missing Eric's warm embrace but I've already come to far to turn around.
I turn the corner and my body collides hard with something. I stumble back but when I look up I'm surprised to see Peter.
"Oh well look at that Kraven. None of your friends around to get you out of this one." The smirk on his lips is enough to tell me what he is about to do.
He doesn't waste any time in going for my throat but I move and he misses which opens up the opportunity for my to hit him in the stomach. Recovers to fast. He hits me hard in the face and my head snaps to the left but I focus on what I'm doing and I hit him trice and then throw my knee into his stomach.
He reaches up, grabbing a hand full of my hair, and pulls me back. he then takes the chance to slam my face into the concrete wall twice before I elbow him as hard as I possibly could in the ribs.
I was in shock after the nightmare and then this. My face was throbbing but my adrenalin was keeping me moving
He stumbles back and he stalks for a moment.
"Remember what I said. If you don't kill me, I will kill you." I spit out blood and he charges for me. My back gets slammed into the wall and my head hits it hard, the pain is blinding.
He goes to hit me big something stops him. A hand grabs his shoulder and whips him around. Peter is hit in the face three times and then spun around again and his face is slammed into the wall. When his body falls to the ground in an unconscious fashion I get the chance to look at my rescuer. Eric.
He pulls me into his arms and I can feel his heart beating hard across his just, mirroring my own.
"Are you ok?" He asked me. pulling away to look me over.
"Honestly no. Everything hurts and I'm scared." I admit to him just as the tears pool out of my eyes.
Sure Peter scared me a little but that's not what brought tears to my eyes. it was Eric. Just minutes ago he killed me in my dream but now here he is. He saved my life. "What are you doing out here?" I asked him, wiping my tears.
"You left the bed and I couldn't sleep. I wanted to make sure you were safe." He says and hugs me again. "I fucking love you Kraven. No more leaving in the middle of the night. Okay?" He asked with a smile on his lips and I nod, not being able to hold my smile back from him.
"Eric I need to talk to you about something."
"What is it?"
"Alone?" I questioned and without hesitating he takes my hand and leads me back to his room.
All I could think about on the way there was, an I doing the right thing? But after tonight, I truly believe I am.
"Alright babe. What's going on?"
I take a deep breath. "Tomorrow is the final test." I tell him and he nods.
"Yeah I know."
"Well there is only way to get rid of my fear."
"And what's that?"
" By telling you the truth." I tell him and he nods, looking me straight in the eye. "Eric, I'm divergent."

A Dauntless Kind of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now