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"Are you excited to be a dad Eric?" Lynn asked me as she sat on the couch in our new apartment.
I look at the short haired blonde, her hair finally growing back from when she had buzzed it off during initiation. I try not to smile but when I think about the baby, I can't help it.
"Yeah, I'm excited." I tell her, the smile breaks through and she cheers.
"And so he does smile!" She says and I just roll my eyes. I look up as Kraven walks out of the bathroom. She has on one of those crop tops and dam, she looks good. "You rocking the body while you still got it?" Lynn asked and Kraven nods.
"Yeah, I mean I'm still gonna be a hot mom when the baby gets here." She looks at me for confirmation so I shoot her a wink.
"You two have a good day. I'm going to Erudite with Angelica." I walk around the kitchen counter and pull Kraven into my arms, kissing her. "Take care of baby." I tell her and she just nods as I walk out of the door.
"Have a fabulous day Eric!" Lynn calls before the door shuts but I hold back a reply.
It's been about two weeks since Kraven found out she was pregnant. I still had trouble believing it to be honest. everyone knew that Kraven was going to be an amazing mother, but me being a father was the real question.
"You know I appreciate the Dauntless company, even if it's yours, but you really didn't have to come." Angelica tells me as the trains nears the Erudite part of the city.
"I told you, I needed to get out of the compound and I had some business to take care of." I tell her but she just rolls her eyes and smiles.
"Whatever you say 'dad to be'." She lets out a small laugh before giving me a nod. I let her run and jump out first but I'm right after her. Besides Kraven, Angelic was one of the only girls I could actually tolerate. She is a little older than me but she never took my shit. I guess you could almost say we are friends.
"Jeanine doesn't know you are with me so go do whatever it is you need to do and then get back here." She tells me and we split up. Her going to the right and me going to the left, towards the Erudite homes. I feel people's eyes on me as I make way through the rows of homes. It might have been a while since I've been here, but one never forgets where home is.
I come to the black door and quickly knock, really wanting to be off the streets, not that I really cared if I was spotted, it would just be easier if I wasn't.
The door is pulled opened by a girl around the age of 16. She has blue eyes and her hair is a light brown color. Its long but half of it is pulled back out of her face. She is a little shorter than Kraven and petite.
"Eric?" She questions with a wide smile on her face. I move into the house and she shuts the door behind me before throwing herself into my arms. I lift her off the ground and spin her around. "Eric I've missed you so much! I can't believe you are here! It's been so long."
It had been long! I left almost three years ago now.
"I know this is your year for the choosing ceremony and I had to see you before that happens. How are you? How are mom and dad?" We move to the kitchen table and both take a seat.
"Eric everything here is the same. Tell me about you! About Dauntless! How is everything? Is that..." she drifts off and I notice her eyes are on my left hand.
"I'm married."
"Eric, tell me all about her." Her eyes light up, she has always wanted a sister, I guess she would have a sister in law now if she chose Dauntless.
"She is a Dauntless born. Her name is Kraven and she is also a leader, like me. She was an initiate this year. She is beautiful and I'm sure you two would get along great. Also, you're going to be an aunt."
"Oh my goodness! Eric I can't believe this! I'm so happy for you!" She pulls me into another hug.
Behind here, being with her again in this home, it made me feel different. All the anger and all the hate that I felt back at Dauntless was gone. With her I felt young again. I didn't feel like a leader. I just felt like me.
"Do you have any idea what you are going to do at the choosing ceremony?" I asked her and her eyes weren't so bright anymore.
"I don't feel as though I belong here. I mean I'm smart enough. I get by. But I'm not happy. I need more adventure and excitement. I was going to wait and see what the test says but I'm leaning towards Dauntless."
"You should see what the test says but you always have a place in Dauntless. You would do good there." I stand up from the table and her eyes turn sad.
"You have to go already?"
"I do. I'm supposed to meet Jeanine." I pull her into my arms again. "Tell mom and dad I said hello and fill them in. I hope you choose Dauntless but you choose whats right for you."
"I will Eric. I love you. Stay safe." She opens the door for me and I give her one small smile before leaving for good.
"I love you too Penelope."
Kraven's pov

"Are you sure Eric won't be mad?" Marlene asked as she stood by Lynn with me as we waited for Tori to get the tattoo stuff ready.
"Look I know Eric better than anyone. he is going to be surprised but he is going to love it. Anything that shows the world I'm his, he likes."
"Take a seat." Tori says with a smile on her face. She was more than overjoyed that she was finally getting to tattoo me. "So just the left arm?" She asked once I sat down and I nod.
"Yeah. Just the one."
The girls tried to keep me occupied while Tori did the work.
I had decided that I wanted a tattoo a long time ago but I hadn't known what I wanted exactly. But now I knew. I was getting the same arm piece that Eric had only on one arm.
"It's looking good Kraven." Tori said with confidence as she got close to finishing.
When she was done I got to really look at it and it looked amazing. I was in love with it and all that it represented.
I get back to the apartment and straighten things up before Eric gets home.
He walks into the door and gives me a smile.
" I have to show you something." I tell him Nd he raises an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah? Let me see." he says and I pull off my shirt to reveal my arm. He walks up to me and takes my hand in his, moving my arm so he can get a better look. "I love it." He kisses my hand then kisses my lips. "and I love you."

A Dauntless Kind of LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin