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"Eric stop!" I shout. Eric's grip around Four's neck tightened as he held him against the wall but Four barely struggled.
Eric's head snapped towards me, his eyes holding a look I've never seen before. It was something between rage and hurt.
"You! Sit the fuck down and shut up!" He yelled and I dropped back into the seat, partially out of shock. He looks back to Four. "If that baby growing inside my wife is yours... I will kill you." He slams four once more and then let's him go and storms out of the door, practically ripping it off the hinges.
I run to Four, who doubled over, but he pushed me away and shakes his head.
"Don't." He growls and my eyes go wide.
"Four I'm sorry! I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
He stands up straight but is still breathing hard.
"Kraven I know. It is both of our faults. We will figure this out." He gives me a hug and I pull away after a moment.
"I should go back to the apartment and check on Eric."
"Kraven I think you should give him some breathing room. Plus, your pregnant and the baby comes first."
I nod in agreement. "I'll go to Lynn's."
I quickly leave him standing alone in my office. I didn't want to be in there, especially after what just happened. There was an overturned chair that Four had been sitting in and a shattered lamp on the floor, which was knocked over when Eric grabbed him.
I can't believe everything that's happening. I can't believe I messed up so badly.
I knock on Lynn's door and she pulls it open.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Can I come in?" I asked, my voice cracking. She nods and pulls me in, closing the door behind us.
"What's going on? Who's ass am I beating?" She was so serious I couldn't help but smile.
"There is something I should tell you."
We sit on her couch and she waits for me to continue. "I slept with Four." Her jaw dropped and her eyes measured up to saucers.
"Four? Like Four?" She asked looking shocked and slightly confused.
"Yeah. It was the night I told Eric I wanted a divorce."
"What!?" She yelled I surprised. "You told Eric you wanted a divorce? Because you were sleeping with Four?"
"No!" I shake my head and now she is just confused. "I told Eric I wanted a divorce for other reasons I can't talk about. Then I went to Four's. We got drunk and I slept with him. I knew it was wrong right away but it was too late to take it back. Then, right now, Eric walked in on me and Four talking and he found out."
"Holy Shit Kraven. What did Eric do?"
"Pretty much said that if the baby is Four's, he is going to kill him."
"He is going to kill the baby!?" She had a horrid expression on her face.
"No!! He is going to kill Four." I told her and she nodded her head.
"Well it makes sense."
"What do you mean it makes sense?" I question.
"Kraven, his wife, you, have a baby growing inside of you. Eric's pride is way to important to let people know that you cheated on him. Im sure he fucking hates Four, more now than before."
"Lynn you're not helping." I tell her and she shrugs.
"I'm sorry. Look you can stay here as long as you need." She gives me a hug and I hug her back tightly.
"Thanks, I figured I would let him have his space for a while."
"That's probably smart." She agreed.

When it got closer to dinner I told her I would be back. I needed a few minutes to myself and she understood that. I wasn't exactly hungry but I needed some air.
I realized I was crying and quickly wiped my tears. As I get close to the rec I see Peter, who thinks now is the perfect time to be a dick.
"Hey. Haven't seen you in a while. How you been?" I turn to look at him, tears still falling down my face.
"Oh shit. What happened?" He got a worried look on his face and I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head.
"Nothing I'm fine."
"Come on Kraven. What did you do? Piss off Eric again?" He jokes but the moment I burst into tears he realizes what he did. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I didn't mean it Kraven." He held his hands up in a surrendering motion.
"Why is she crying?" That voice. Eric.
"I'm so sorry I dont... I didn't mean to."
"Did he hurt you?" Eric asked me but his voice was anything but friendly. I quickly shake my head no. "Get out of here." He tells Peter and then he looks down at me. "Go back to the apartment and get some rest."
"I was going to stay with Lynn, let you have some space."
"Dam it Kravin!" He shouted. He runs a hand over his face and shakes his head. "I'm not doing this again. You are my fucking wife and I will not lose you again. I mean what I said, if it's Four's I will kill him. But I'm not letting you slip through through my fingers again. Now go home and get some rest." He doesn't wait for a response from me before walking away. So he wasn't going to leave me.
All I could do now was pray that the baby was Eric's.

Authors note
I would like to say that I've been uploading like a boss! So I deserve a lot of love!!!!!
I've been thinking about starting another Eric story. Let me know what you think about a new story!?! Please!!!
Also!! Read Walls!!

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