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"Kraven! How good to see you! How are you feeling?" Jeanine Mathews says as I walk into their headquarters building with Carter, a fellow Dauntless, by my side.
"I'm fine." I give her a simple answer and she returns it with a fake concerned look.
"I'm so sorry for your loss."
"We are here to represent Dauntless, maybe we should get to that." Carter suggest and I send him a thankful glance as we start walking further into the building.
"Well as you know we have been working out Divergent issue. I think we are getting close to perfecting the detecting serum." I glare daggers into her back as we follow her. "It's only a matter of time now until we can distribute it amongst the factions. Dauntless being first, of course."
"Why would you test Dauntless first?" The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them.
"Because it's a known fact that Divergent's tend to pick Dauntless, unless they are smarter and go with Abnegation."
"And when you find them?" Carter asked and I wish he hadn't. I didn't want the answer and I was really starting to wish I stayed back in the compound.
"We kill them." She gives us a sickening smile and it makes my stomach turn. "Is something wrong Kraven?" Her look changed to one of knowing. Shit. I was giving myself away.
"Not at all."
"I'm surprised you didn't know. After all, Eric has promised to assist me with whatever I need."
Her smirk turned sinister. She knew my blood was boiling and she knew I was about lose it.
Unfortunately after everything that has happened recently, my temper has been uncontrollable. I clench my fist and she turns around with a sick grin.
Carter gives me a confused look and I shake my head...

Around lunch time I was able to slip away and I made it my mission to find one girl. While I was in head quarters I sneaked a look in their housing documents. I found who I was looking for.
I knock on the door and wait nervously until the door opens. The woman is tall with blue eyes and blonde hair.
"Can I help you?" She asked, sounding a little nervous.
"Kraven?" I hear my name being called and the woman turns around as we both spot the young girl. Penelope.
I'm quickly pulled into the house and into a hug by the young girl.
"You're Kraven? Eric's wife?" This woman must be his mother.
"I am. I was here on Dauntless Leadership duty and I had to come by."
"Where is the baby?" Penelope's was slightly panicked as she realized what was missing.
"I was attacked. I lost him."
Her mother covered her mouth as her eyes got teary.
"You poor thing, take a seat. I'll make some tea."


Once we jumped from the train we hurried towards the headquarters.
My heart was beating hard against my chest as I silently prayed I wasn't too late. This girl was my whole world and I already thought I lost her once. I don't want to go through that again. I can't.
"There is Carter." Four says as he spots the Dauntless member Kraven should be with.
"Carter! Where is Kraven?" I asked as soon as I got close enough and he looked confused.
"I have no idea. She said she had someone she needed to see." I sighed with relief.
"Who is she seeing?" Four asked, still panicked.
"My family."
I don't wait for his response as I lead the way towards my old home.
I open the door without knocking and walk in to see my wife sitting at a table with my mom and sister. Something I never thought I would ever see.
"Eric?" My mother stands from her chair and I see the tears in her eyes right before she pulls me into hug. "Oh Eric!" I hug her back before gently pushing her back and looking at Kraven.
"We need to leave. Now." I tell her and then she looks at me for the first time today. Her eyes are cold and hallow. She is pissed. No, more than pissed.
"I think that's a good idea." Then she stands and my mother and sister both hug her. I don't know what she has told them and I don't know how long she has been here.
As we make our way towards the door Penelope stops me.
"I'm going to pick Dauntless." She sounds so sure of herself.
"Then it looks like I will see you in a few months." I give her hug before shutting the door behind myself.
I see Four and Carter standing where they waited outside and Carter speaks up.
"I need to get back but I'll come up with an excuse for Kraven." With that he walks away.
"Kraven why would you come here out of all places and not tell me?" I have to admit my voice was raised but I couldn't help it. She turned to me and sent daggers my way with her eyes.
"Why are you so worried Eric? Does it have to do with the fact that you promised Jeanine you would help her hunt Divergent's?" I didn't take my eyes off of her but I could see Four's face of hatred
"Kraven it's not like that! You had no right to..."
"Save it Eric. I want a divorce." With that she walked away, Four close by her side and I stood there alone. praying to a God I didn't know, that she didn't mean it.

A Dauntless Kind of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now