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Eric's pov

"Dude, you alright?" Zac asked and I just gave him a nod, which didn't help anything. "Maybe you just need to get laid." He suggest with a shrug and I shake my head.
All I could think about was her. she occupied every space in my mind and heart. I haven't told anyone but I knew I needed to. At least that's what I tell my self. But I KNOW Kraven. I know she is just as Dauntless as I am! They tell us that Divergent's are dangerous but Kraven is only dangerous to those who threaten her or Dauntless. She is perfect for a Dauntless Leadership position.
She trusted me. She trusted me completely with her heart and her life. She put it all in my hands to decide what to do with. But I didn't know. If I keep my mouth shut, no one would ever know. She would be safe
What's more important? Her or Dauntless?
Kraven's POV
Four had let me go early this morning and I hurried to shower and get changed. Lynn even straighten my hair and I thanked her for it. I couldn't argue with her because I mentally and emotionally didn't have the strength. We were all headed to breakfast and after that were the test.
We get to the entrance and I stop in my tracks when I see Eric standing there talking to Max.
"Kraven come here for a moment." Max calls me over and I try my best to hide the fear from my eyes. I look at Eric but he averts my eyes. He told Max. Max is going to kill me. Right here in front of everyone to make an example of me. That's what I'm good for now...
"I'm sure you are prepared for today? We are all looking forward to seeing how you do. Just two shorts weeks till the wedding. I'm sure you're both ready." He says and I nod.
"Yes sir." I say, using so little words is not normal for me and he catches that.
"Are you ok Kraven?" He asked and Eric finally meets my eyes. He gives me a slight nod.
"Yes sir. Just ready for the test."
"Of course you are. Good luck Kraven. Eric we will finish this another time. Go eat with your fiancé."
Max leaves us standing alone and I feel on edge. I don't know what to say or do. I go to walk away but he grabs my hand and stops me.
"We need to talk."
"I'm scared of you." I admit to him and his eyes soften.
"We need to talk before the test. Eat quickly and then meet me at the apartment." He doesn't give me the opportunity to respond as he quickly turns and leaves.
I gather my wits and head into the rec, taking my seat by Lynn.
"What was that about?" She asked asked as she shoved some eggs into her mouth.
"Just some none sense about the wedding." I tell her and it wasn't far from the truth. I grab a muffin and manage to take three bites. "I need to go meet Eric. I'll see you guys before the test." I give them a wave and Connor gives me a confused look but I shrug it off.
It doesn't take me long to get to his apartment but I knock when I reach the door and he quickly opens the door. he looks me over before moving out of the way and letting me in, closing the door behind me.
"We need to talk." he says and I nod. "You have the test in about an hour and it's important that you pass with flying colors. You have to have that leadership position." I look at him confused.
"But aren't you going too..."
"Kraven I'm not going to kill you! And I'm not going to tell anyone else. Its hard for me to accept but if it means keeping you alive then I will deal with it. Just know, when you go to take the test, I won't kill you. I can't promise things will be the same. You have to give me time." I nod at his words and go to take his hand but he pulls back.
"I think I'll go now." I tell him and move to the door. I open it but stop and without turning back to look at him, I ask, "Is the wedding still on?"
"We don't have a choice."

Ok so I just wanna say, I think I've been doing a pretty swell job at updating, I would really love some feedback! Votes and comments! Comments really make me write quicker and better! And also go check out the new story I started! Love on King's St.

A Dauntless Kind of LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz