Thirty two

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"She wasn't sick." I told Zac the day after Kraven told me she was pregnant. I knew she didn't want anyone to know for a while but Zac was my basically my best friend. I had to tell someone.
"Then what was wrong?"
"She is pregnant." I said with a smile.
"Who is pregnant?" Angelica, another leader, said as she sat down next to us.
"Kraven!" Zac said and I quickly turned annoyed.
"Oh my god! Eric congrats!!"
"What are we congratulating Eric for?" Zeke asked as he joined us.
"Nothing." I growled at them.
"Kraven is pregnant." Angelica spills with a huge grin.
"Shut the fuck up! All of you! God dam it! She doesn't want anyone to know for a while." I told them and they looked between each other nervously, knowing I was now pissed.
"It's nothing to hide." Angelica said softly.
"She is still dealing with the loss... lets just keep it quiet ok? She is going to kill me if she finds out I told you. Actually I didn't tell any of you! I told Zac and you idiots showed up." I shook my head as I stood from the table and gave them one last look. "I swear to God. No one else better find out."
I leave the table and head out to look for Kraven. I figured she was doing some paperwork stuff for Max so I checked her office.
She was there. "Hey beautiful." I call as I walk in.
She smiles up at me, pulling her eyes away from the papers she was going over.
"What can I do for you handsome?"
"A kiss will be nice for starters." I tell her with a smile and lean over her desk to plant one firmly on her lips. She smiles into the kiss and pulls away.
"What do I owe the pleasure?" She asked, leaning back in the large plush black chair. She truly was adorable. Both of her knees were pulled up so her feet were on the chair, she looked happy, I haven't seen her that way in a while.
"I just wanted to see my beautiful pregnant wife." I told her and she giggled but made a sign for me to be quiet.
"I really don't want anyone knowing Eric, especially after..." her eyes turn sad so I swooped in and stole a kiss from her, causing her to grin.
"We will tell people when you are ready Kraven." I lean on her desk and she leans back in the chair. "Did you eat lunch?" I asked and she shrugged.
"Kind of."
"Kind of? How do you kind of eat lunch? Kraven, you either eat it or you don't."
"I started to but it made me feel sick." She slightly pouted and my heart melted.
"Well maybe we can get you some crackers or something." I suggest is a softer voice and she nods.
"Yeah, I know I need to eat something."
"Well I need to go but I'll send someone back with those." I give her a quick kiss before heading back to the rec. I had things I had to do but lucky for me I saw Four after I grabbed a container with crackers.
"Hey Four, could you take these to Kraven's office? She isn't feeling well."
His eyes turn to worry as he stands up, taking the container from my hand.
"Is she ok?"
I gave him a nod and thought about it, maybe Four should know... but that wasn't my decision to make.
"Yeah just not feeling well. I have a meeting I have to get to. You good taking those?" I asked and he gives me a nod before I walk away. Maybe they can fix whatever bullshit they are dealing with. I'll never call Four a friend but I know how close they are and I know how distant they have been. Maybe fixing that will make things easier on her.

Kraven's POV

There was a knock on my office door.
"Come in!" I call and the door opens to reveal Four. Shit. "What do you need?"
"I was sent." He holds up the crackers and walks forward, setting them on my desk. "We going to talk about this or are you going to keep acting as if I don't exist?"
"I'm thinking the latter."
"Kraven, hear me out." He pleads with me so I nod once and he takes a seat in the chair across of my desk. "I do love you... but not like that. At the time we were both vulnerable and hurt. You were devastated and Tris and I were dealing with some stuff. Me and you... that should have never happened and I'm sorry. I really am. But I miss my best friend. Can't we just act like it didn't happen?"
I wish we could. I wished every single day since it happened that I could take it back. I felt so awful for what I did to Eric and I know it makes me an awful person but now here I sit, pregnant. I'm pregnant and I don't even know who the father is. What kind of crazy shit is that. I want Eric. I want a family with him. How am I supposed to tell Four that I'm...
"I'm pregnant."
Shock covers his face after hearing the words leave my mouth.
"What?" He asked in a whisper.
"You heard me right."
"Is it ...." he drifts off. He can't say it and neither can I.
"I don't know. In about a month I'll take a test."
"Take a test for what?" Both of our heads snap to the door to see Eric standing there looking a little pissed off. "What test do you have to take?"
I look between Eric and Four, fear rising in my stomach.
"Four you should get back to the control room."
"I'm not letting you do this alone." He says, causing Eric to yell.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"Kraven and I slept together after she told you she wanted a divorce. The test is a paternity test."
Eric's eyes filled with a type of fire I had never seen before. He was practically shaking he was so angry.
As he stepped forward the anger was practically radiating off of him. He opened his mouth to speak but I found my own fear was rising to a peak as he grabbed Four my the throat and slammed him into the wall.

Authors note.... kinda sorta a cliff hanger!! I'm trying to update more you guys since I have such amazing readers now!! Like I said!! Your feedback will keep writing!

And check out my Four story, Walls!!

A Dauntless Kind of LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang