Thirty Eight

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Eric's POV

"I think everything is going well. She already made it through one round of cuts." Kraven tells me as we walk down the hallway together.
We had just been to visit the doctor to make sure everything was going ok with the pregnancy, it was. Now I have an almost three month pregnant wife who is ready to eat.
"Yeah, I don't think she will have an issue. No one sees her as a threat."
"Yet." She adds and I nod. She takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. "I think it's a girl."
I can't help but smile down at her.
"Of course it's a girl." I lean down and kiss her, making her blush.
As we get get closer to the rec we notice the crowed and then some yelling. I push her behind me until I see what's going on, then I hurry I to the middle of the fight and pull Penelope off of some other girl.
"Initiates! What the hell is going on here!" They both stay quiet and the crowed starts to break up. "I swear to God, one of you better speak up!"
"She had it coming." The other girl says, sending Penelope a nasty glare.
"Screw you! You need to learn to keep your mouth shut! He is married you sick psycho!" I'm shocked that my once so innocent sister now talks like that.
"Both of you in my office! Now!" They start walking that way and I follow, only stopping by Kraven for a second.
"Get some food. I'll meet you back at the apartment after I handle this." She nods and I hurry towards my office.
I shut the door behind me and look at the two girls who are standing in front of my desk. I move to behind my desk and take a seat, extremely annoyed.
"Give me a reason as to why I shouldn't throw you both out right now."
Both girls looked scared and Penelope glared at the other girl.
"She doesn't know her place. I was just teaching her." The girl said and I shook my head.
"How about you leave that up to the leaders and you both concentrate on making it through initiation!" I shake my head again. "Get the hell out of here and don't let me catch you two again!"
I watch as they both hurry out. I told Kraven to tell Pen to keep her fucking head down and this is what she does?
I grab the closest thing to my hand and check it across the room, it shatters against the wall and falls to the floor.
   A knock on my office door interrupts my negative thoughts.
"What?!" I yell and the door opens revealing Zac who has a terrified look on his face. "What is it?"
   "It's Kraven. Jeanine just showed and they are talking one on one."
  "Fuck!" I groan and we both hurry out the door. He leads me in the right direction just as their conversation is coming to end.
   "Aw Eric, there you are. Kraven here was just telling me about how well the baby is doing. That's wonderful."
Jeanine's fake smile was giving my a headache. She was truly becoming a pain in my ass.
  "It is. What are you doing here?" I asked her as I stepped in front of Kraven, acting like a boarder between her and the crazy Erudite leader.
   "I have a few things I need to discuss with you regarding the research." I felt Kraven tense behind me and I knew she wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what Jeanine was talking about.
  "Eric, I'm going to go meet up with Lynn at the apartment. I'll stay there till you get back." Kraven says to me in a quite voice and I nod as I turn around to look at her.
   "Zac is going with you ." I kiss her forehead and watch as she walks away with Zac on her heal.
   "Shall we?" Jeanine asked with that same smile on my face. I hold in my groan and lead her toward my office.

Kraven's POV

"Personally I think she is a bitch." Lynn says as she sits on one end of the of the couch facing me on the other.
  "You're not the only one. The woman is psychotic and I really wish Eric could just get out of this but.. He is involved."
    "He is a leader and we are Dauntless. We are supposed to be protecting the people. If getting rid of Divergents is doing that, then it's what we have to do."
    I looked at her shocked. "You can't be serious?"
   "Kraven, what is the big deal? It isn't like this is any new."
   "I just don't get it! A Divergent doesn't choose to be different. Why should they be killed for the cards life handed them?" I snapped on her and I knew that was my mistake. Yes, Lynn was my best friend and loyal to me, but she was more loyal to Dauntless.
   "Kraven... What's going on? Since when do you care?" She was putting something together in her head but I wasn't sure exactly what.
   "Nothing. I'm sorry it's probably just the mood swings. I think I just need some rest." I stood up and she took the hint.
    "I'm sure that's it. I'll see you later." She didn't give me a hug like a normal, instead she hurried out the door.
    Shit. I have to tell Eric.

Hey guys!! Sorry is taken awhil to update again! My company laid 400 of us off and then we got mass hired and as you can guess things have been INSANE! Anyways all of y'all's comments and likes got me fired up again! So thank you for sticking with me! Let me know what you think!!

Also! My dad's second book is about to be released October 1st! "The Victorious Mindset" by Chip Esajian! He is a motivational speaker! It's great if you are looking to make positive changes to your life!

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