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Eric's pov.

I watched her as she got ready and silently thanked God that she was still here. It still blows my mind that all of this started as an arrangement and then she swooped in and stole my heart.
I know she is hurt and I can tell that she is still going through a lot but at least now I would be here to stand by her side and help her through everything.
It was only a few weeks ago that she wanted a divorce and now things were semi back to normal.
I wasn't stupid though. I knew there was something she wasn't telling me.
Every time someone talked about Four or he walked into the room, she would tense and sometimes leave. It really is as plain as day but I was trying give her the benefit of the doubt, for all I knew they could have just had an argument.
"Eric, I'm starving can we go now?" She slipped the last bobby pin into her hair and I walked over, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a kiss. she smiles against my lips.
"I love you Eric." She whispers and I kiss her once more.
"And I love you..." I sigh, "Come on, I have to get to Erudite after breakfast."
She frowns, "I really hate that you have to go there. Can't someone else do it?"
"No Kraven. Its my job." I snapped at her and instantly regretted it .
"You also have a job as a husband." She throws out under her breath and walks out the door.
"Ahh." I get frustrated but follow her, shutting and locking the door behind us. "Kraven stop." I grab her arm and turn her around. "Kraven what the hell is going on?"
"I'm just tired of you spending so much dam tone there! I need you to Eric! What about everything I've been through..."
"God dammit Kraven that was over two months ago, what do I need to do to make you happy? What do I need to do?" I was practically begging her to be happy, to tell me what I could do.
She didn't say anything. she didn't move. Her face turned emotionless and that was almost worse than her screaming at me.
"You don't need to do anything. I'm fine. I just miss my husband." with that she turned and walked away. Damn it.

Kraven's POV.

As I reached Lynn she took me into a hug, knowing right away that something was wrong
"What's going on?"
"I'm just... I don't know. I've been feeling weird lately and just out of sorts. I snapped at Eric again."
She gave me a sad look.
"Maybe you need to check with the doctor. If you're feeling sick and emotional, something might be wrong."
"I guess I could do that. Eric is leaving to Erudite today, again. So I'll go."
"Want me to go with you?" She offered and I nod.
"Actually I'd like that. I've gotten tired of feeling so alone."
"Well then I'll spend as much time with my favorite girl as possible when I'm not on the wall."
"Thanks Lynn." Her hair was shaved on one side and she pulled it off very well. She had quite the attitude but that's what made her so likable to me.
She nodded over my shoulder and I turned around to see Eric. He bent down and kissed my cheek, whispering, "I love you," in my ear as he did so. I smiled and kissed him quickly.
"I love you to." He takes my words and leaves the Rec with a few of the guys that will be going with him.
I look back to Lynn and she makes a silly face, causing me to laugh.
"Come on doll face, we have a doctor to see." I followed her towards the infirmary but, with my awful luck, we run straight into Four.
His eyes locked with mine but he said nothing.
"Four move your ass." Lynn said as she stepped past him.
"Excuse me." He said with quite a bit of attitude as he stepped around me.
"Four..." I call but he ignores me and keeps walking.
"What's the deal between you two? You guys were like best friends."
"Exactly, completely past tense apparently." I shake my head and continue to follow her.

"So what's been going on Kraven?" The doctor asked.
"I've been a complete temperamental bitch and I haven't been feeling well."
"When was your last period?" He asked me as he looked at the chart.
"UHm... I dont... I'm not sure. Since I lost the baby I haven't been keeping tract because it was so odd."
"Alright was in going to draw some blood and we should have some results within a few minutes."
He did was he needed to do and drew the blood from veins.
We only had to wait a few minutes for him to come back.
"Well I know what the problem is."
"And?" I questioned, really just wanting my results.
"You're pregnant."

Hey guys! Sorry it's taken so dang long and I know it's a little short, show me some love and feedback and I'll try hard to upload quickly.

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