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The toilet had become my best friend. Morning sickness was kicking my ass, yet again. Its been two weeks and I couldn't handle the tension.
As I hear the door to the apartment open, I lean over the toilet once again emptying my already empty stomach.
Eric runs to my side and pulls my hair out of my face. When I finish, he hands me a towel but he doesn't leave. I lean into him as the tears start pouring out and I sob into his chest.
"Kraven, why are you crying?" He asked me with a soft voice.
"I know I messed up and I'm sorry! But I can't handle the tension! I can't handle the 'what if's' that keep flooding my head! I mentally can't handle it." I sob and he pulls me closer to him, rocking me against his chest.
"Kraven, I love you and you are my wife. I'm not leaving you.
"But Eric, what if it is Four's?" I asked the question that had been on my mind since I found out I was pregnant.
He took a deep breath and released it before saying anything.
"I don't know yet Kraven. I don't know how I'm supposed to look at the baby and know that it isn't mine. But I know love you and we will figure it out." He kissed my head and then helps me off the ground.
He kisses my cheek and then leaves me alone in the bathroom so I can brush my teeth.
When I walk out to the living room Eric is sitting on the couch. He opens up his arms for me so I smile and climb onto his lap, snuggling into his chest as he holds me close.
"I love you Kraven."
"And I love you Eric."

I was sitting in my office, hard at work when the door was practically ripped off the hinges.
"I can't believe you! You whore!" Tris yelled at me as she walked closer to my desk.
"Tris what the hell..."
"Don't you try to play games with me! You're pregnant and you don't even know who the father is!" She yells again and this time I jump out of my seat and go to her.
"Tris we made a mistake. I'm sorry... it was never anything..."
"Whatever! You're so used to getting everything you want and when someone doesn't hand it to you, you just go and take it! Even if it doesn't belong to you!" She shakes her head. "I really hope that baby belongs to your husband... You don't deserve to be a mother. Maybe there was a reason you lost the first one."
I couldn't help it. I hit her as hard as I could, knocking her to the floor. I was so pissed I was shaking.
"Get the fuck out of my office and you better pray to God I don't see you alone."
She got to her feet and shook her head. As she walked Eric walked in.
"Why was her lip busted and why did I hear yelling?" He closes the door.
"She told me I don't deserve to be a mother and maybe I lost the last baby for a reason..." I was shaking and I could feel the anger that was now radiating off of him.
"Kraven, I'm going to take care of this."
I turned around to face him.
"Eric, I fucked up! You can't help me this time."
I fell back into the chair just as the door opened, this time Four was the culprit.
"Not now!" Eric growled but Four ignored him.
"Tris just told me what she did... Kraven I'm so sorry."
"She had a point." I say and he shakes his head.
"No she didn't. She needs to calm the fuck down. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine." I tell him and look between the two of them. "I swear I'm fine." I try to calm the nervous looks on their faces.
"Have you eaten?" Eric asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Like six times today. Both of you get out and leave me alone." Four seamed a little put off but Eric smiled at my remark.

"Kraven, I don't know if the test will work yet. It's still so early."
"Dr. Seaburgh, I have to know. I am going to lose my mind and it's making me sick. Please just do the test and see if it will work." I knew I was normally above begging but in this case I was willing to drop to my knees. I wanted that damn test. I don't know how much longer I would survive not knowing.
"We can try it but I can't promise that it will come back with any result at all."
"It's worth trying."
"Ok, change into this gown and I'll be back."
As I'm left alone to change into the paper gown, I wished I wasn't alone. I wish that someone was there with me to hold my hand and say everything would be alright. But it was just me and honestly I wasn't sure how things would turn out.
I sat on the exam table and the doctor walked back in.
"Lay back and put your feet up here. You might feel a small pinch but it's normal. I have to get the DNA from a fetus."
"Is it going to cause any harm to the baby?"
"None at all."

After changing back into my clothes I waited. He said the results would take thirty minutes and I could come back if I wanted to. But there was no way I was leaving without knowing.
"Kraven..." Dr. Seaburgh walks into the small office with a folder in his hands. "The test worked and we have the results."
"What is it? What does it say?" I can't help but fe anxious, as if I might pass out.
"The baby's DNA matches yours and....."

Author's note

Well let's see how many comments I can get on this! Don't hate me!!
Also go check out my other Eric story:) let me know your thoughts please!!

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