Twenty two

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My feet were tapping rapidly against the floor. I could hardly contain my excitement. I looked at the clock and groaned out loud, making Erik smirk to himself. He wouldn't laugh because we were in public but I could tell he wanted to. We were siting in the lobby of the doctor's office and for some reason I felt like it was taking forever.
"Kraven?" I jumped to my feet and Erik followed me into the back. When we got into the private room I took a seat in the exam chair and lifted up my shirt. "Ready to see the baby?" Dr. Seeburgh asked with a laugh and I gave him a quick nod.
He got to work while I waited nervously.
"So do we want to know the sex?"
"Yes." I told him and then he pointed at something on the screen where I could clearly see our baby. "You are having a boy."
I couldn't say anything. I looked over to Erik. His eyes were wide but full of joy. His lips curved into a smile.
"I'll give you a moment alone" Dr. Seeburgh said with a grin before walking out of the door.
"Erik, we are having a son." I told him gently. He placed both his hands on my swollen belly and then lays his head In between them. He kisses it and I can see his smile.
"Ryken Erik Mathewson." Then, without pulling away, he turns his gaze on me. "Thank you Kraven, for the most amazing gift if I could ever receive."
I run my fingers through his hair and give him a smile.
"No Erik, thank you. For choosing me, for loving me, and for giving me our son." He leans up to me and places a gentle kiss on my lips.
"Just a few more months and he will be here."
"I can't believe I'm going to have a grandson." My mom, Leslie, said as she fixed me a cup of tea. "He is going to be so handsome! I mean just look at you and Erik."
I let out a light laugh and nod. "Yeah his father is rather handsome."
"Oh Kraven, he is half of you and you are beautiful."
"Mom I wanted to thank you." She looks at me confused, "When I found out I was going to marry Erik I was so mad. And looking back now I see its the best thing you could have ever done for me. So I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for finding me the man of my dreams."
"Oh Kraven!" She pulled me into. Hug and rubbed my back before pulling away. "I'm so happy for you and Erik. I really am. Once Baby Ryken gets here you'll get to go back to your Leadership position and I'll get to play grandma." She seamed happy with that idea.
"You're going to make a great grandmother." I looked at the time and sighed, "I promised Tris we would have dinner together so I'm going to get going." We stand up and she shows me to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"By honey."
My thoughts seem to wander as I make my way down the steep stone stairs that would lead me towards the chasm and then to the Rec. As I get closer to the chasm I start to get a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I stop before stepping onto the bridge and look around. The water is threading below the bridge and the single rail has water drops collecting underneath it. Something doesn't feel right.
"Is everything ok?" I nearly jump out of my boots. "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." I turn around and then I'm even more confused. I don't recognize the guy standing in front of me in black dauntless attire. "You know wandering around alone isn't very smart." He gets a sly smirk and my stomach sinks. I turn to run but he grabs me and throws me into the wall. I put my hands out in front of me to protect my stomach. This couldn't be happening. His hand grabbed the back of my neck and as he slammed my head into the wall everything went black.

Erik's pov.

"I really don't care what Amity suggested. We have the upper hand and they know that..." I get cut off in the middle of our meeting as the door opens and Tris runs in.
She is out of breath and her eyes hold a look of fear I've never seen on her before.
"You better have a dam. Good explanation!" Mikael said and she looked straight to me.
"Erik, it's Kraven." My heart stopped and stomach sank. "You need to come with me right now." I didn't wait another second. I followed her out of the room, the whole time my mind was playing worse case scenarios. Please God let her be ok.

Ok I would really love some feed back comments!! I'll update quicker I promise!! I just really want to know what yall think!! At this point I still love this story and I know exactly where it's going!! So now it's just a matter of being motivated!!!

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