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"Kraven, calm down!" Eric said as we continued our walk towards the doctor's office.
"I thought we weren't keeping things from each other!" I told him and crossed my arms. Eric let out a loud sigh and grabbed my arm, turning me around.
"I can't talk about it out here in the open. As soon as we get home I will tell you everything! Can you please just trust me till then?" He is sincere, I can see it in his eyes.
"Ok." I tell him and he leans down, kissing me quickly. I can't stay mad at him and he knows that. He lets out a laugh as I fight my smile.
"Come on, we are going to be late."
We make it to the Doctor's office and we get shown to a private room quickly.
"Kraven, how are you feeling?" Dr.Seeburgh asked as he motioned for me to take a seat on the exam chair.
"I'm good, the morning sickness comes and goes."
"What about mood swings or cravings?" The Doctor asked and I blushed while Eric laughed.
"Don't let her kid you. She definitely has mood swings and she has cravings." Eric smirks at me, referring to this morning, and I can't help but smile.
"Well," the doctor starts," let's take a look. Can you lift your shirt up and lay back please."
I do as I'm told and Eric stands by my side. The doctor takes the wand and places the gell on my lower stomach. He uses the wand to move it around and we all look to screen.
"That right there," he points on the screen, "That is your baby. Do you want to hear the heart beet?"
"Yes!" I said quickly, smiling up at my husband.
The doctor turns the volume on and then we hear it.
"That's amazing." Eric said while giving my hand a squeeze. "Can you tell what is it yet?"
"Not yet. Kraven, you're about three months along. So at your next appointment I'm sure we will be able tell."

As we were walking back towards our apartment we were stopped by my father, Mikael.
"How was everything?" He asked after giving me a hug and shaking Eric's hand.
"Both Kraven and the baby are perfectly healthy." Eric informs my father. The loving husband is gone and he is back to his hard persona with his walls up.
"That's good news!" My father spares a smile my way. "Eric, we have a few things we need to go over."
"I'll see you at home." Eric gives me a stern look and I know it's his way of telling me get my ass home, without actually saying that.
So I just nod and continue on my way. But when it comes time to make a right, I look to make sure Eric is gone, and I make a left. I get to the control room and knock.
Tris opens the door and pulls me into a hug.
"How was it?" She asked as she let me in and shut the door behind me. Four comes from around the corner and gives me a hug as well.
"He said me and the baby are perfectly healthy."
"Well that's good! From what I'm hearing, this baby is a big deal." Tris spills the gossip and I groan.
"Great! Thanks for the pressure." I shake my head, "are people really saying that?"
Four interrupts Tris, "Kraven, don't listen to any of that crap. You need to focus on you and the baby and that is all."
"Where were you going anyways?" Tris asked, knowing this wasn't my destination.
"Eric told me to get home but I thought I would stop and say hi."
"Well looks like he sent Zac to go and check on you." Tris says while looking at a monitor.
"Oh shit." I run out of the door and ignore Four's laughing.
I almost beet Zac there but I don't.
"Where were you?" He asked sternly. I was really starting to hate how the men around here were treating me lately.
"It took me a little bit longer to get here. Sorry I'm pregnant." I told him with quite a bit of attitude.
"Don't pull that shit with me."
"Don't talk to me like that!" I yell at him, becoming extremely angry but I was blaming it on being pregnant. "If it's any of your concern Zac, I got a really bad cramp in my stomach and I got scared!" His face went from pissed to extremely worried. "I stopped and sat down because I didn't want to risk anything. When It went away, I got up and now here I am."
"Shit kraven, i'm sorry. Are you ok? Is the baby ok?" He moved to help me but I pulled away from him. Of course I felt incredibly guilty for lying, but it was the only way to get him off my dam back
"Zac I'm fine. I really want to lay down." He escorted me the rest of the way but didn't follow me into the apartment.
I went over to the bed room and kicked off my shoes. After doing that I climbed into the bed, on Eric's side, and snuggled up to his pillow, quickly falling asleep.

I felt the bed sink next to me and then I feel Eric's arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to him.
"How are you feeling? Zac told me you had a cramp in your stomach earlier."
"I'm fine." I tell him shortly and he sighs.
"Kraven, what's wrong?"
I roll over in his arms so I can face him.
"I hate that you send your little spy to watch me! I can handle how you talk to me in front of other people, I know that's like an image thing for you, but could you at least trust me! I am your wife for crying out loud!" I pull out of his arms and roll back to the other side of the bed. I feel a tear run down my cheek and my nose starts running. I quickly wipe the tears away.
"Kraven, don't cry. Please." He moves my hair out of my face and kisses my head. "I'm sorry. It's just because I worry about you and the baby. Honestly if it was up to me, you would have a guard with you 24/7." He says this and I can't help but laugh. "I love you Kray."
"I love you to Eric. Even if you are psycho." I nuzzle into him but then something dawns on me and I pull away. "Eric, who is Penelope?"
He sighs and sits up, I do the same and we face each other.
"Penelope is my little sister."
"I had no idea you had a sister." I admit and he nods.
"No on here does. I haven't seen her since I left."
"Then why now?" I asked when he paused.
"Because this year she will be choosing. I had to talk to her. I wanted to know what she was thinking about choosing." he smiled slightly. "She says she is leaning towards Dauntless. She said she doesn't fit in there. When I told her about you and the baby, she was beyond thrilled. So maybe this little one," he touches my stomach, "will have an aunt around."
I pull him into a hug and he laughs while hugging me back.
"Eric I'm so happy for you. I really hope she chooses Dauntless."
"Me to."

A Dauntless Kind of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now