Thirty Nine

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   "Eric feel!" I said as I grab his hand and place it on my baby belly. He looks confused for a moment until the baby kicks his palm and his eyes go wide.
    "She kicked!" He said excitedly and I could help but kiss him. He was so excited about having a baby girl and so excited to be a father.
    "She is quite the little mover! We will probably have trouble keeping her in one place for long."
"That's ok. I won't mind chasing after her." Eric says as he lays on the bed next to me with his head by my stomach.
"Has Jeanine said anything?" I question and he shook his head.
"Neither has Max. Maybe Lynn wasn't as suspicious as you thought."
"Eric, she has barely talked to me in the last two months! I'm pretty sure she thinks something is up." I groan and he gives me a concerned look.
"Do you want me to do something?" He questions with sincerity and she shakes her head.
"No, maybe she is staying away to keep me safe. I don't know."
Eric moves up to give me a kiss before slipping away. "We should get down to breakfast Kray. You need to feed my child."
I couldn't help but laugh. "You're such a mush when it's just us. I love it."
"And I love you." He grins, getting out of bed and pulling on a shirt. I forced myself out of bed and pulls on my clothes. My jeans barely fit, in fact I had to go up a size and my long sleeve black sweater was tight around my growing breast. Eric, however, was a fan of my growing curves which I thought was just a ridiculous notion.

Eric sat next to me as we ate breakfast but something wasn't right. Something was off.
"Something feels off." I told Eric and he nodded as he looked around the room. He stopped abruptly and I turned to look where he was staring.
It was Lynn. She looked extremely nervous and even paranoid. "She did something..." I whisper, becoming nervous, and the baby kicks me hard in the ribs. "Owe!" I let out Eric looks at me worried. "Your child is kicking my ribs." He would have normally smiled but right now he couldn't... He was to worried.
We both watched as Max walked into the dining hall with two guards by his side but he didn't come for us. The guards grabbed Penelope and started dragging her away.
"Oh my god! What is going on!" I asked him but he just stood and and I followed him as we went out to the pit where Max had Penelope on display and everyone was watching.
Max pulled out a device that was new, it was supposed to tell them if she was divergent or not.
I turned and found Lynn standing next to Marlene and Connor but I had to restrain myself. She had done this! She thought I had been sticking up for Penelope and as far as I knew Penelope wasn't Divergent. All I could do now was pray.
Eric is as stiff as a brick as Max holds the gadget up to his sisters face and then beeps. "Let her go." Max says and shakes his head.
"Misunderstanding." Max says as if it was no big deal. "Get back to your own business!" He instructs before walking away.
Penelope hurries towards me and I pull her into my arms. She recently finished training in the top five of the initiates and was now an official Dauntless member.
   "It's ok. It's going to be alright." I told her, trying to be reassuring and Eric put a hand on my back.
     "Take her back to the apartment. I'll meet you there." He says and I nod. I lead Penelope back to the apartment and get her some water.
   "Hey try not to worry about it."
   "Kraven, everyone is going to be talking about me." She sounded worried and still a little shook up.
    "Trust me Pen, it won't last long."
   "I don't understand though. Why would they think I'm a divergent?" She asked just as Eric walked in, locking the door behind him.
      "Lynn. She thought Kraven was defending you a while back during an argument but she wasn't." Eric told her and I looked at Penelope sadly.
   "Well who were you defending?"
    "She was defending herself." Eric answered for me and Pen looked completely shocked. "You can't tell anyone Penelope. I swear..."
   "I would never! I promise! I'll take your secret to my grave." She stood up and hugged me, I returned the act and stepped back to look at Eric.
    "Eric, now that she knows it's not Pebelope...."
    "She is going to tell them it's you." He finishes and I stand still, fear rising up in me. It wasn't just my life anymore. It was my babies too. "I won't let her."
    "What are you going to do?" I asked and he looked me dead in the eye as he answered.
     "I'm going to kill her."

Thoughts? I would really like some input because the end is still undecided and I probably need some help! So help me out with any ideas you might have! Thank you!!

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