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Eric's POV

I still hadn't figured out how to fix this whole divergent bullshit. I looked down at the Dauntless members that were being tested and shook my head. My wife was going to have my hide if I didn't figure out a way to fix all of this, not that it was my fault, I had just gotten myself involved.

"Well at least Kraven's results are good. One less thing you need to worry about." Jeanine said. She truly loved the idea of me and Kraven because she thought we were both such perfect Dauntless. She assumed that our baby would be some kind of amazing being.
But of course Kraven's results were good. She never took the test. I rigged the shit out of it and made sure it passed.
"Of course she passed. She is one of the most Dauntless people there is."
"Of Course she is." Jeanine agreed but didn't pull her eyes away from the files she was looking over.
I shook my head and went towards the door. "Are you leaving so soon?" She asked and I turned to look at her for a second.
"I need to get back. I'm sure you don't mind."
"Of course not. Bring Kraven next time, we will do a lunch at my office. Id like to talk to her."
I just nod as a response, not completely sure I was willing to let my pregnant wife come to Erudite.

"Eric!" I'm pulled into a hug as Penelope opens the door.
"Hey kid." I shut the door behind us after we move into the house. "you ready? The choosing ceremony is in just a few weeks."
"Of Course I'm ready. I already know what the test is going to say."
"Oh do you?" I smirk at her confidence. "Eric you know I'm going Dauntless."
"I'm sure you will. I cant stay long today.. I just wanted to come by and say hello. Stay out of trouble alright?"
I give her a hug and then head out, making my way back towards Dauntless.

Kraven's POV

Nerves. That's what I was feeling at the moment. My feet were tapping the ground beneath them as I sat at a table in the rec. I was picking at my food but I couldn't really eat.
"Are you alright?" Four sat down next to me.
"I'm fine. What about you?"
"Could be better. Tris called it quits on us." I could tell he was sad and honestly I felt like shit about it. It was my fault after all.
"Im sorry Four. I really am."
He changes the subject but not by far. "Have you seen the doctor since the last visit?"
I shake my head no. I was lying but I felt as though Eric deserved the know the news first.
"You're not eating?" He asked and I shook my head as I stood up.
"I'm actually not feeling good so I think I'm going to go lay down." I gave him a wave and hurried off toward the apartment.
After getting there I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I laid down and fell asleep shortly after.

"Kraven... Kraven, are you ok?" I opened my eyes at the sound of Eric's voice.
"Hey, I'm fine. I was just tired." I roll over to look at him as he sits on the bed next to me. "How was Erudite today? Did you see Penelope?"
"I saw her for a few minutes but I didn't stay long. I wanted to get back here..." he lays down on the bed next to me and pulls me into his arms. "Two more weeks." he groans into my shoulder.
"Actually I went to the doctor today."
"You did?" He pulled away from me and say up.
I nod. "yeah, I demanded he do the test, I had to to know."
"Did it work?"
"It worked." I tell him, trying to let anything out. His brow was scrunched together and he looked nervous, which isn't an emotion Eric often shows.
"Well? Kraven.. what the hell did it say."
I sat up and looked at him, letting a small smile slide to my face.
"It's your baby." A smile broke into his face and he quickly pulled me into his arms and held me close to his chest. His lips connected on mine and I could feel him smiling.
"You mean? It's mine?"
"100%." I answer and he smiles again.
Maybe things will slowly go back to normal. A girl can hope right?

Authors note!!
I did NOT mean for it to take that long! I'm sorry! I process I'll work to upload faster. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!

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