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"Kraven talk to me god dam it!" Eric yelled as I tried my best to ignore him.
""You can't divorce me! What did I do?" And then I laughed. Our apartment became suddenly quiet as my laughs filled the space. I turned to look at him and noticed the confusion and fear in his eyes.
"What did you do? What did you do! Maybe it has something to do with the promise you made Jeanine Mathews!!" I yelled at him and his eyes went wide.
"Now you remember. Don't you?"
I started throwing clothes into a backpack along with my tooth brush.
"Kraven you don't understand...."
"Yes I do! I lost our child so you want to take it out on everyone! Divergent's didn't do anything! And now you want to kill us all!"
"Kraven! Shut up! It's nothing like that and you know it!"
"Eric all I know is that you made a deathly promise behind my back."
"If you would let me explain!"
"Fuck you Eric! Go talk to Jeanine! I'm sure she wants to hear your opinion! What else are you doing for her huh?"
"Kraven I swear to god! This has nothing to do with her! I did it for you!"
"Well fuck you! You're working with the enemy! That makes you a fucking piece of shit..."
My body hit the ground from the impact of the slap and I slowly pull my eyes away from the ground to glare at him.
"I'm done."
"Kraven... I ..."
"I do not want to hear it." I grab my back pack and head for the door. A tight grip locks on my arm and spins me around, I'm then shoved against the wall, hard.
"If you walk out the door... I swear to god..."
"You don't have any threats for me Eric. I know things about you that you would kill to keep secret." I shove him off of me and slip through the door. He doesn't come after me.

My first intention was to go to Lynn and Marlene's but I found myself knocking on Four's door.
When he opened it he looked stressed and a little upset. "What is wrong with your cheek?"
"I got bitch slapped." I admit and his eyes go wide but I cut him off before he can freak out. "What's wrong with you." He shut and locked the door behind me.
"You're fucking husband. Doing stupid shit. Tris is all pissed off about it and won't talk to me for God knows what reason. That whole relationship, if you can call it that, is falling apart." He fell onto the couch and I walked into the kitchen.
"I don't know why she is always taking shit out on you. You're a fucking catch Four. If I wasn't married, Id be all over you."
I heard him laugh as I looked in the cupboard for his liquor stash.
"Well from what I heard earlier, you may not be married much longer."
I shrug as I pull a bottle of Tequila out of the cupboard.
"Come on hot stuff."
He smirks and shakes his head.
"I don't know if that.."
"Four I swear to god! Drink with me or I'll throw this bottle at your head." I said in a sickly sweet tone and he laughs, climbs off the couch and makes his way over to me.
He takes the bottle out of my hand, opens it, and take a few swigs. As he pulls the bottle away from his lips I can't help but smile at his expression from the taste.
"Give me!"  He hands it over and I do the same...

I look at the once full bottle that is now more than half way empty and behind the bottle, standing in the kitchen, is a shirtless Four.
I admire his muscular back and the tattoo that covers it. I move off the couch and towards him. He continues to do whatever it is he is doing.
I trace my fingers over the tattoo and I feel him tense.
"It's so beautiful."
"Just like you." He turns around to face me and I blush.
"Four you don't mean that."
"Yes I do Kray. You are one of the most beautiful girls I know."
"Then why haven't you ever said anything?" I give him a pout and he shocks me by leaning in and lightly biting my bottom lip. It was for a split second but it sent waves of unknown feelings through my body.
He pulls away, "Because you were never mine to call beautiful."
I can feel my heart thumping against my chest at a hundred miles an hour as he leans back down.
I find myself standing on my tip toes and even though, somewhere deep in my head, I know it's wrong, I can't bring myself to stop.
As I kiss him my arms snake around his neck and his go to my waist. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
      For being drunk our kisses were anything but sloppy. They were amazing and filled with so much hidden passion.
He sets me on the counter as our kisses deepen and I let a moan slip which results in his smile.
As he lifts me off the counter he carries me to his bed and on the way there I waste no time pulling off my shirt and bra.
He hugs me close as we fall onto the bed, our lips once again attached until he pulls away.
"I know it's wrong but I don't really care. You're leaving him and I love you Kraven. I want you."
At the moment I didn't have time for that to shock me, but it did. Four loved me?
"I want you too."


So I'm willing to bet NOONE saw that coming. I m not going to lie. I want comments! I know where I'm going with it and I'm going to work on the next chapters but I won't upload it until I get a few comments!!!

Please let me know what you think and what you want!!!!

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