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I run to the bathroom after getting dressed and quickly spill the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I groan as I slouch next to the tub and rest my head on my arm. I couldn't figure out why I was sick all of a sudden. I eat well. I work out, too much. I pull myself up and brush my teeth and then it dawns on me, I didn't have my last period after the wedding. But I'm so young.
I knew this is what everyone wanted, this is the whole reason marriages were set up. But it still seams unreal, if not impossible. I open the cupboards under the sink where I stashed a pregnancy test. Lynn had given it to me as a joke after the wedding. I didn't think I was going to need it any time soon.
I open and read the directions, do what I need to do and then wait.
As I wait I have time to think. I didn't want this yet but if I'm getting now then I'll be extremely happy. Dauntless born babies were rarely born, another reason for arranged marriages. Me bring pregnant would be a huge deal.
I take a deep breath and then look at the test. I smiled down at it and toss it in the trash before running out of the apartment. Originally I wasn't going to go to the rec, I was going to go catch the first train. But there was no way that I could leave the compound now without telling Eric the news. I run quickly with a smile on my face and I don't slow until I come to rec. I slow down to a walk as I enter and I look around. I find him sitting with Zac and Zeke.
I start towards their table, which is at the other end, but I get stopped by Peter. I let out a groan.
"How are you liking like leadership position that you stole from me?" He asked and I sent him my best glare.
"I didn't steel it. I flat out earned it. But for the record it's great. Now if you don't mind." I motion for him to move.
"Actually ..."
"Is there a problem here?" Eric cuts him off and a huge smile returns to me face as I remember why I'm here. Peter cowers under Eric's glance and hurries away. Eric looks down at me with a small smile. "I can't leave you alone for a minute can I?"
"Well I'd prefer if you didn't." I tell him with a wink and he roles his eyes.
"Shouldn't you be on the train?" He asked as it dawned him.
"Technically yes... but I have something to tell you."
"What is it?" He asked and I take his hands in mine.
"We are going to need a two bedroom apartment."
"Why would we need that?" He looked completely lost but it only made me smile more.
"So we have a room for the baby." I tell him but his eyes still hold a confused look.
"Well we have a while for that so..."
He turns to sit at the table but I cut him off when his back is to me.
"Well nine months isn't that long Eric." he stops and I can see his back tense.
He turns around with wide eyes.
"Are you... Pregnant?" He asked in a whisper and I nodded. his smile matches my own as he pulls me into his arms and lifts me off the ground. "I'm gonna be a dad." He whispers at first but then he yells, "I'm going to be a dad!" The entire rec erupts in cheers. I guess he was taking it well.
"What is she doing here?" Max asked Eric angrily before talking to me. "Shouldn't you be on a train right now?"
I was about to speak when Eric went ahead for me.
"Max, we found out this morning that Kraven is pregnant." Eric's smile was prominent on his face. It was obvious that he took a lot of pride in getting his wife pregnant right away. That made me smile.
Max's eyes light up and he smiles at us both.
"Congratulations! Both of you!" He shakes our hands. "You take care of that baby in there Kraven. He or She is going to be very important one day." I take it with a grain of salt but something about he said leaves me uneasy.
"Max, for obvious reasons I don't want Kraven jumping onto or off of the trains and Id prefer to keep her within reach."
"Absolutely! I'll send Angelica. Have you told your parents yet Kraven?"
"No. But that's where we were going next."
"You you go do that. I'll take care of things with Erudite. I'm sure that Jeanine will understand."

We leave the office and as soon as we are alone in a hallway. Eric pushes me up against the wall with his lips on mine.
"I love you Kraven. Thank you for this." he puts his hand on my stomach, "Thank you for making me a father."

A Dauntless Kind of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now