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Eric’s POV

          I was sitting in my office when a loud knock sounded on the door. I send it a death glare then sigh.

          “Come in!” I call and the door opens and in walks Four. “Never mind. Get out.” I tell him since I really was not in the mood to deal with him and his self-righteousness. I’ve recently found myself hating him even more because of his fondness for Kraven.

          “I need to talk to you.”

          “I kind of figured that’s why you’re here. What do you want?” I asked and the glare shared between was filled with an icy coldness.

          “What are your intentions with Kraven?” He asked and his question filled me with a deep anger.

          “Excuse me? Kraven is my fiancé and my intention with her are none of your damn business!”

          “They are! She is my…” He stops himself and I smirk.

          “Your what? Your sister? Well she’s not! So if I were you I’d focus on that Stiff of yours. “

          “Kraven loves you and she trust you. I don’t know why but she does and by doing so she is going to end up dead.”

          I jumped up from my chair and my hands slammed down onto the desk hard.

          “What the hell are you talking about Four?” I demand and his face shows nothing but anger.

          “Oh look at that, maybe you actually care about her.”

          I match his glare for a moment before speaking up.

          “Stay away from her.” I tell him and then it’s his turn to smirk.

          “But she came to me.” He says proudly before turning his back to me and walking out of the door.

          I fall back into the chair but the anger started to overtake me. I knew they were close like siblings but still, what could she need to talk to him about that she couldn’t talk to me about?

She is going to be my wife.

She loves me.

She will have my children.

Not Four’s. She is mine.


I look at the clock and realize that everyone was probably down at dinner, including Kraven. In her simulation this morning her fear was the same. But now that I had seen it multiple times, something seemed off. It’s like she was trying to keep me from saying something in the sim. Something she didn’t want me to hear. But why would she hide anything from me? She wouldn’t. She couldn’t.

A Dauntless Kind of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now