Chapter 1

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These next chapters will be set in the 1400's until told otherwise :)

A walk through the forest at sunset. A daily routine for Anastasia to take in the beauty of Mother Nature, she loved the merge of colours set in the sky as the sun descended into the Earth. But these days, to walk out unaccompanied at dusk was a death wish, So Anastasia kept close to home.

Her dress dragged along the floor and her fingers linked behind her back. The purple colour faded to black in the sky and the stars began to glisten. She took a breath in and out, admiring the picture she would have been able to paint, but the only thing the canvas would experience would be her blood if she stayed out any later.

"Anastasia" a voice called from behind her, from the path that lead home "what are you doing out here at this time? It's dangerous"

Anastasia inhaled in fright before turning around to see a familiar face. Her brother Charles.

"Charles! You frightened me, I am aware if the danger and I was about to turn and go home" she smiled

Charles adored his little sister, and would do anything to protect her. Anything. Which included risking his own life for hers.

"I do not want to see you out here anymore Anna" he grew stern

"How can you ask that of me Charles? When the only time I see you out is at night?" She replied , raising her eyebrows innocently "I know the monsters attack at nights but you never get hurt? How do you do it?"

"I'm extremely careful" he smiled, putting his arm around her shoulder and leading her home

The truth was, Charles did risk his life for his sister, ending in his inevitable death. Luckily, he had fallen in love with a woman, a supposed vampire who fed him blood so that they can live eternally together.

When they got home, a worried mother ran to Anastasia, wrapping her arms around her "oh Anastasia, I have told you never to go out at night, you scare me young girl"

Her father came out from another room, giving a knowing look to Charles and a nod to say thank you. Their parents knew about Charles' vampirism from the minute he was turned, but he wasn't disowned as it was in the name of their daughters safety.

"I'm sorry mother, I just do not understand why I should give up my small luxuries in life in the name of a group of humans who get entertainment out of the death of others, it is sick and I will not stand for it" Anastasia exclaimed, she was the only one in the house who was completely clueless about vampires, she only knew them as fairytale creatures from her childhood.

"Okay, I am not letting you out of my sight again" her mother waves her finger to show her seriousness. "Now get into your bedclothes, I'll lock the doors"

Anastasia sighed and walked heavy footed to her small room, which she hates as it had no windows and the only light she had was from her candle.

She stripped down all the way to her white muslin dress and threw herself onto her bed. All she heard was silence until the quiet unlocking of the door and it's closing.

Her feet reached the floor and she tiptoed to the nearest window, where she saw the back of Charles' head disappearing into the night.

"Mother" she called, her curiosity getting the better of her. Her mother, Jayne, walked from her room

"Yes, Anna" she rubbed her eyes

"Why is Charles allowed to go out into the night, yet I am chained to my room?" She twirled her curls between her fingers

Her mother stopped for a minute, thinking for an excuse "well, Anastasia, he is three years older plus he is a man, women are usually the targets but I suppose when you are twenty one, you could go out like him" she lied, she never really planned on letting her out of her sight, the last time ended with death.

"Mother that is such a long wait, I'm awfully impatient. You know I love the outdoors" she argued

"Well you can explore them in the morning, where it is safer" Jayne snapped back "now go to bed, Charles will be back by morning and you have no need to worry"

Anastasia turned around and headed back to her room, where she lay in bed until she drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, Anastasia woke up to the sound of crying, which got her heart racing as she jumped out of bed and ran outside.

'Please not be Charles" she thought repeatedly to herself.

Outside, a crowd, consisting of her mother, father and her closest neighbours wet stood around a body.

"Mother is it Charles?" She asked shakily, fearing for the worst. Her mother shook her head

"It is Edward, from next door" a tear rolled down her face. Edward was a nice boy, only fifteen. "He had snook outside last night and had been caught"

"May I see him?" Anastasia asked innocently. Her mother refused, preventing her from seeing the two holes that had been left on his neck.

"And Charles?" Anastasia asked again

"Back in the house" Jayne smiled, Anastasia turned and walked inside to greet Charles

"Charles?" She entered his room, she was sprawled on his bed "it's me" she smile

"Oh Anna, what are you doing in here?" He asked, his hand placed over his eyes to help him adjust his eyes to the light of the candle she had lit

"Edward was killed last night, I wanted to see if you were okay and why is it so dark in here? The sunlight..."

"... I do not like the sunlight Anna, I've said already, it makes me ill" his voice grew stern which threw her back, he had never got that defensive before

"Okay I apologise" she stepped back a bit

"Look, Anna I'm sorry for being so sharp, I just need some time to sleep" he sat up and smiled at her, comforting her

"It's okay, just shout me when you feel better" she touched his ice cold forehead before jumping back and walking out of the room.

She walked past her mother and back into the forest to continue the path she was making before interruption last night

She didn't realise that she had walked deep into the forest, lost in her own thoughts of what could have happened and what could drive a person to kill so recklessly?

Her thoughts interrupted by someone in front of her.

"Excuse me miss? Are you alright?" The man had touched her shoulder to stop her. On his hand, a bright blue ring shone, it was beautiful and rare, only a wealthy man could afford such a luxury like that.

"I apologise, I was lost in my own mind for a minute" she smiled, wriggling from the man's contact

"Oh where are my manners, I'm Jonathan" his hand extended to take hers and kiss it "and yours?"

"Anastasia" she began "Anastasia Peterson"

"well I wonder if you could help me miss Peterson, I'm in search for my friend Charles, I believe he shares the same name as you"

"Oh yes, my brother, he is at home for now, would you like to see him? I warn you, he's not feeling very well, maybe a plague or something" she joked, she felt strangely comfortable with this man.

He followed her all of the way home and waited outside as she stepped in. Anastasia walked through and stopped to turn around

"You can come in if you like" she smiled, she had an overwhelming sense if hospitality even if it was towards strangers. The man smiled and proceeded to step forward.

"Charles" she shook him, but he was in a deep sleep, too deep to be awoken just yet.

"Is he not awake?" Jonathan asked, invading Charles' room

"I'm afraid not, maybe if you come back later?" Anastasia suggested

"Maybe so but thank you anyway, you've already given me everything I need" his smile twisted strangely before he walked out of the door and completely disappeared.

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