Chapter 17

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"So if I do this what do you do?" Damon's fist lunged for Anastasia who quickly dodged the blow and incapacitated him.

"Is that right?" She asked hopefully, her hand gripped on his neck tightly

"Mmhmm" Damon nodded, unable to speak.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry" she quickly released after realising she was actually strangling him. "I guess I don't know my own strength" she shrugged

"How's fight club going?" Stefan had folded his arms and leant against the door frame

"I've never seen a new vampire with this much strength" Damon hissed, rolling his shoulders to get full movement back

"Well I am over 500 years old" Anastasia shrugged "I still feel 18 though, probably because I lost all those years"

"Okay and how's the feeding?" He asked.

They both went silent for a moment, looking at each other in embarrassment.

"Guys?" Stefan urged

"Well let's just say I've had to bury about three campers and compel two" Damon winked

"I don't know what's wrong with me?" Anastasia looked around

"Well isn't it obvious?" Damon began "you may have Stefan genes, you know; the ripper genes"

"He could have a point" Stefan added

"How do I fix that?" Anastasia asked, walking closer. She needed to know because the hunger had killed her

"just blood bags and animals, that's it. No humans, no people to kill" he stated "that's what I do"

"Yeah., I could totally do that" Anastasia convinced herself. She knew that blood straight from the vein tasted so much better, but she'd have to adapt.

Stefan threw her a blood bag and she drained it almost instantly. And then he passed her a drink of bourbon

"Helps curb the cravings" he smiled. Anastasia took the glass and downed it in one gulp.

"Eugh" she exclaimed, sticking her tongue out "it burns" she felt the liquid travel down her throat

"You'll get used to it" Damon winked, pouring her another and getting himself one

"I definitely hope so" she laughed. It was nice to laugh, all she had felt these past couple of days were anger, fear and sadness.

"So..." Damon broke the silence "tell me about Elijah with emotions" he asked, emphasising the word with as if he had only seen Elijah without them

"I don't want to talk about it" Anastasia wiped any liquid from her upper lip and avoided eye contact with anyone

"Wow, must have been a nice guy" Damon sarcastically said

"Damon, turn your sensitivity on" Stefan promoted, nudging Damon. Anastasia took another sip from her cup and began to nod

"He was a nice guy, until he was he bent on killing you and driving you to your death" she made the Brothers quieten.
Weeks passed by, Anastasia had been able to partially control her hunger when around humans. They received the odd bite or two, but at least one vampire had been around her.

Her eyes flickered as the awoke. It was early in the morning and very bright outside.

The birds sang and the sun danced around her room. Scattered on the bed were empty blood bags; she blacked out last night with hunger, the amount of bags laid out re assured her that nobody had been hurt.

On her desk next to the bed, lay ver familiar, purple flowers. Her mind took a minute to process what they were and why they were there.

Her fingers found their way to the stem of one, lifting it up to be examined look wise and smell wise.

"I said I would be civilised" she muttered to herself. Trying to keep calm "i will be civilised, but I'm not playing his game" she grasped he bunch of flowers and threw them forcefully into the bin.

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