Chapter 12

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Elijah had dug the plot in the ground himself, he didn't want anyone to help him. He wanted to be alone.

"Elijah, may I help?" A man walked up; he was a guard from the castle, a new vampire.

"No" Elijah didn't turn to him and kept digging

"Nonsense" the man retrieved a shovel and began to dig. This enraged Elijah and within a blink of an eye, the man had been pinned against a tree with a broken arm

"I said, I do not want help" he growled and watched the mans face turn from happy to frightened

"Okay, I I I'm sorry" he stuttered, wriggling out of his grasp and made his way back to the castle. Turning around now and again to check Elijah remained in his spot.

Elijah brushed it off and began digging until he was satisfied that the hole was large enough.

He dropped the shovel forcefully in the bushes and proceeded inside to inform Eleanor of the completion and to check her progress on drying the body and dressing her.

Eleanor had just re adjusted Anastasia's necklace when Elijah came in. She didn't speak, only turned around and pressed her lips together in a smile, before turning back round.

"It's done" Elijah nodded, the atmosphere could have been cut with a knife, both people on the verge of breaking down in tears or killing someone with their unique abilities.

"I'm finished too" Eleanor replied, standing up to clear Elijah's view. He swallowed the lump in his throat and took the place Eleanor was sitting.

Elijah grabbed her cold hand and held it to his chest.

"I'm sorry" he closed his eyes and tried to feel her essence, to remember her smile, her laugh.

His head reached down to place a small kiss on her forehead before standing up.

"Is her coffin ready?" Eleanor asked. Elijah felt it was nesassary for her to be buried in his one, so she could always have a part if him with her.

"Yes" he nodded "It's outside, I'll take her down and we can say goodbye" Elijah informed her before picking the body up and speeding outside.

Eleanor met Elijah by the grave, he had ensured that she will be buried under the blossom tree; where they had shared their first and last kiss.

By the time that Eleanor had catched up; Elijah had placed Anastasia in the coffin and Trevor had joined.

Eleanor took Trevor's hand and squeezed to make sure that he knew how upset she was.

Elijah stood alone.

Without looking at the body, in fear that it would break him and drive him to the point of no return. He closed the lid and Eleanor, with her magic, lowered her into the ground.

Elijah dropped multiple roses and the rare, purple flowers he had found, onto the coffin before shedding a small tear and completely burying the coffin.

On the stone, the one Elijah had carved himself read a small quote that he heard her say a day before the party, when they had a heart to heart:

'There are good things and bad things in life, I've had the bad, maybe it's my turn to have the good"

Elijah then laid more flowers around the grave, making it look beautiful. Trevor and Eleanor left for the castle again and left him alone.

Elijah rested one hand on the stone and smiled slightly to himself. Before walking back inside.

The Mikaelson's stayed in that castle for the next 10 years in pursuit of a Petrova Doppelgänger before running from Mikael.

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