Chapter 14

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Days passed once Anastasia had been buried. Elijah visited her grave multiple times a day, he gained comfort from her, he spoke to her, sat with her and laughed with her.

But today, it was different. He didn't feel strong enough to go into the garden, he didn't feel like he would come back the same man.

The castle was baron, only a few maids cluttered around with dusters and buckets of water. Niklaus had gone out hunting with Trevor.

"Elijah" a small girl ran up to him

"Lilian?" he remembered her name as she always used to follow him around like a lost puppy

"I was just wondering what you were doing here" she made up an excuse, she only really found the opportunity to be alone with him, she didn't know what to talk about

"I just needed some time alone, to clear my head" he smiled, hinting at her to go away. His agitation grew over these past days, vampirism had begun to consume him

"Well why don't we go for a walk in the garden? I know you love it there" she giggled, fluttering her eyelashes but failing to grab his attention

"I'd rather not be in the garden today Lilian, now if you excuse me" he walked quicker to put a distance between them, but stopped when his head began to hurt

"It's because of her isn't it?" Lilian spat "that whore you have been with"

"Agh" he yelped in pain "How dare you say that, Anastasia was lovely" he growled and then the pain stopped. Lilian walked closer and knelt down to him

"I always told my sister that we would be together, Anastasia got in the way and now she is gone, and we can be together" Lilian smiled "let it in"

Elijah got up and pinned Lilian against the wall "we will never be together, can't you see? You are a child and I'm over 400 years old"

"Anastasia was a child" she hissed "but look where she ended up"

Elijah tightened his grip on her neck, feeling her gasp for air "Anastasia was a better girl you could ever be" he spat before breaking her neck and leaving her slumped on the floor.

Another day came and went slowly for Elijah; especially as this was the day that Anastasia had took her own life in order to escape his remaining family.

The sun was setting and it was almost nightfall when Elijah's phone began vibrating

"Stefan" he greeted with a unamused tone

"We have some information, we need you over here" he informed Elijah. He rolled his eyes and changed his phone to a different ear

"I'm on my way" he sighed and put the phone down.


"What is it?" He entered through the door, having already been invited in, he made his way through.

There stood Bonnie, with candles and a book in front of her.

"I've looked through everything I have, I know who it is but I do not have a name" she sighed "her whereabouts when she died and how she died, I could guess where she is buried but I'll have to dig up a whole castle in England" she laughed

"And how did she die?" Elijah asked, intrigued to what she could find out

"Well, legend says that she fell in love, with a lord, The Lord of the castle and basically he broke her heart; so she jumped from the highest point and died; it also said that the man jumped in after her but then the book stopped" she shrugged

"Wow that's so sad" Elena added. Elijah scoffed silently, that wasn't even the half of the story.

"Well I have found out that she is , a Salvatore" Bonnie looked over to the brothers, who had a confused look on their faces

"If only we could find her" Bonnie huffed "I think I would have enough power to bring her back, it's less trickier than being in Elena's situation"

Elijah froze. If he admitted her whereabouts, Bonnie could bring her back. He argued with himself for at least 5 minutes before trying to speak. He decided it would be best for her whereabouts to be known.

But Damon's shuffling of books had caught his attention. "Okay family tree. what now?"

"Look for a flaw? Something different that isn't re occurring, something rare" Bonnie explained.

Damon and Stefan stood for a minute conferring between themselves and pointing out names on the sheet. Elijah thought it would be best left to them.

"What? There are loads here, how can we find a rare something ?" Damon asked, forgetting the important part that gender played.

And then he realised, still unsure he pointed to a name "all of this leads back to one girl, Anastasia Salvatore"

The name echoed through Elijah's head. He had never really heard someone else say her name. Plus he had only realised that she was related to them.

Just as he went to say something, someone knocked at the door.

"I'll get it" Damon shouted, walking out of sight to get to the noise.

"Hello?" He asked, opening the door to see a rather distressed looking girl. She didn't wear normal clothes, instead she was dressed in an emerald green, long dress.

"Damon Salvatore?" She asked, trembling

"Yes, who are you?" He snarled at the stranger

"I've travelled a long distance, please let me in" she pleaded

"Who are you?" Damon said slower this time

"I'm Anastasia Salvatore"

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