Chapter 5

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10th July 1482
I don't think life could be any better at the moment. Well, unless I have things of my own, right now I have the Mikaelson's room, their bed, their things and none of them are mine, but I digress. I'm lucky to be here.

Me and Rebekah have become good friends and we have spent most of my time here together. I sometimes pass Elijah in the corridors but not a word is spoken otherwise, just exchanging smiles and conversations through eyes.

And Niklaus could not be any more antisocial, I've caught him staring at me through the windows and I have tried to speak but he has always seemed quite busy.

I don't have any plans for the day, maybe just walk around and hopefully spark up a conversation with Elijah.

Anastasia closed her diary and turned to head for the door, but before she did, she turned around to see it anybody had been in the garden, anyone of interest. But no one was there.

She opened the door and stepped out, the only people there had been the maids.

"Good morning" she smiled to one of the maids, Eleanor

"Morning my lady" she returned and Anastasia kept walking.

Her emerald green dress dragged along the floor. She knew that Rebekah had been out of town for the day, so she had a day to herself, maybe a stroll in the garden might be fun.

She headed outside and to the left where a bed of colourful flowers lay. Anastasia knelt down to slide a pink petal between her fingers and to smell them. She smiled sweetly to herself.

"You like the roses?" A voice asked, Anastasia thought she knew who it was, but she was surprised who stood there smiling.

"It was the flowers that grew over home" she slowed her speech to show her confusion. Niklaus stood smiling, his blouse tainted red by the collar "you're blouse?" She pointed

"It's nothing love, just a bit of a scratch" he pulled his jacket over the stain to hide it. Anastasia felt woozy at the sight of blood, she had never really liked it.

"You might want to have that looked at" her eyebrows still furrowed and she was being very cautious. Something about him just didn't add up

"I will, but first, walk with me" he tilted his head to motion Anastasia closer, and she did "so tell me, the plague, what was it like?"

"I don't particularly remember what it was like physically, but it hurt when it took my mother" she concluded

"Isn't it weird though?" He asked, causing her confusion to deepen

"What is weird?" She replied but Niklaus' answer was interrupted

"Niklaus" Elijah came running over to the duo, Anastasia stepped back, disappointed that Elijah called Niklaus and not her

"Brother what do you want?" Niklaus sounded agitated at the sudden presence of his brother

"Trevor needed you, in the dining hall, something of urgency he says" Elijah smiled smugly as Niklaus rolled his eyes

"Trevor will be the God Damned death of me" he stormed out, leaving Elijah and Anastasia alone. Her gaze was fixed on the quick exit that Niklaus had made.

And then it was silent. Nothing was said for at least a minute, that minute felt like hours.

Elijah's plan had failed, he realised that because he showed an interest in this woman, Niklaus would go out of his way to mess with her and hurt Elijah. So, in order to keep Niklaus of her track, he managed to stay away from the girl he found most exquisite and mysterious, however hard it was. But it seemed that Niklaus had an agenda of his own, no matter how much attention Elijah had paid to this girl.

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