Chapter 20

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"How heavy do these things have to be?" Anastasia spoke to herself, unaware of the audience she had in the tomb.

"Pretty heavy" the voice shouted from behind the stone which made Anastasia jump with fear

"My goodness, you frightened me" Anastasia got the stone out of the way "I need your help, come out so we can talk" she demanded

Katherine was aware of her cluelessness; she was stuck in there and she could use it to her advantage "I like it in here, you should come in" she began to walk further into the tomb "oh and bring the blood you brought" she observed.

Anastasia picked the bottles up and followed the Elena look a like. Unaware that she would be stuck in the tomb with Katherine.

"What do you wanna know?" Katherine smiled knowingly. Now that Anastasia was in the tomb, she had no need to be bored and for what she brought, she wouldn't be so hungry

"Uhm, your emotions? How do you not feel emotions like normal vampires do" Anastasia begun

Katherine looked at her weirdly "nobody's told you ay?" She smiled

"Told me what?"Anastasia asked confused

"Why would I tell you?" Katherine laughed "I don't even know your name"

"It's Anastasia, Anastasia Salvatore" and with that Katherine's jaw dropped

"You're Anastasia then? Klaus told me a lot about you" she smiled sarcastically

"Klaus? You know Klaus?" Anastasia asked, edging further away from the woman

"Yes, I know Klaus and Elijah" she nodded "I'd like to say I know Elijah very well Katherine winked, knowing what had happened between Anastasia and Elijah, and using it to play with her feelings

"You and Elijah?" Anastasia stuttered,, trying to sound unaffected, but the thought of Elijah being with another girl sort of hurt her.

"Yes, but he didn't take as much interest in me as I did him, Niklaus told me that he loved someone who killed herself" she explained "I only realised that they drove her to it because they wanted to sacrifice her, like they wanted me

"They wanted to sacrifice you?" She asked again, sort of relieved to know that Elijah didn't share those feelings

"Yep, I am a doppelgänger, they needed my blood to unlock Klaus' curse, you know, to become a hybrid" Katherine sat down opposite Anastasia and looked at her "needless to say, like you, I killed myself before they could get me; the Elijah I saw, that caring man chased me down"

"He seems to do that a lot doesn't he?" Anastasia shrugged, looking away

"He'll never betray his family" Katherine replied "that's what kills his relationships"

Anastasia kept quiet, she just looked at the floor and took a sip of the animal blood in the bottle.

"You're still in love with him aren't you?" Katherine saw her expressions when speaking about him "oh you poor thing" she smiled sarcastically "that's what you needed help with, concealing your emotions for him?"

Anastasia nodded.

"Well older vampires can't shut their emotions off, but because you're basically new you can" Katherine stood up, followed by Anastasia

"What are you saying?" Anastasia looked confused

"Shut them off" Katherine's voice grew louder and angrier, she knew that if Anastasia shut her emotions off, everyone will be running around after her and too busy to realise Katherine had escaped

"I don't know" Anastasia walked to door of the tomb and went to step out, Katherine followed her, laughing "why can't I get out?" Anastasia worried

"Vampires can't get out, why do you think I'm still in here?" She laughed

"Damon was right, you are horrible" Anastasia hissed, she walked back into the tomb to face Katherine

"Damon's right about a lot of things" she pouted her lips. "Old big bad Katherine being mean again" she giggled

And with that last comment, Anastasia had enough, even though Katherine scared her, she had built up enough courage to run over and snap her neck.

As Katherine's temporary dead body hit the ground, Anastasia had realised she had let the bad side of her mind get to her once more. She had manipulated and killed to get her own way.

Yet, in the process she had come to realise what Elijah had meant to her, what he still means to her.

"The barriers down" a familiar voice spoke "if I were you I'd get out of there right about now"

Anastasia ran out if the tomb, and exhaled when she had gotten out.

"I think an apology is in order" Elijah stated

"Your right I'm..." Anastasia looked down and began to apologise. But she was surprised when Elijah's arms had been wrapped around her

"I'm sorry , for everything, for doing this whole thing to you" he was genuine, he was so hurt that he had hurt her. The one he loved the most.

"I'm sorry for snapping your neck" she laughed in return

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