Chapter 7

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Anastasia awoke, her vision blurry from rubbing her eyes. On her desk, aside of the bed lay a bunch I purple flowers, she hadn't seen these before.

She sat up and went to examine them, their feel, their smell, their sight all exquisite and mysterious. But she had known who put these there.

The sky had turned grey today, clouds filled the sky and blocked out the sun.

Anastasia left the comfort of her chambers and went to search for Elijah in the garden, where he always used to be.

Nothing. Maybe it's the weather, but he should be somewhere, somewhere for her to find him, he's always at every beckoning call.

"Elijah" she exclaimed, smiling at him from across the garden, after finding him.

He didn't smile back, he didn't acknowledge her wave or her excitement to see him. He just disappeared behind a tree, where she then explored and found no one.

Anastasia stood there for a few minutes, trying to make sense of what she saw. He head turned around, she thought she heard footsteps. Nothing. There was something odd going on, and she wasn't sure if she did want to know.

The sound of screaming emanated from forest and cut of her thoughts. Without thinking, Anastasia ran towards the voice, if someone was in trouble, she could at least do something about it.

The forest had grown darker, it had an eerie feeling. The screaming had stopped and started, from what she could decipher, a man was in terrible danger.

Anastasia's hands were clutched to her skirt, to make it easier to run.

Elijah was sat inside, looking at Anastasia through the window when he saw her immediately start running. He hadn't heard the screams over the music that was playing in the background, so he didn't bother to ask why she ran.

The music abruptly came to a halt, and that's when the scream became eminent, it went through Elijah's ears like a knife.

'Just a vampire having lunch' he thought to himself, vampires normally lure humans out to the forest to feed and hunt, Elijah fed anywhere he pleased as nobody could mess with him.

Elijah turned around to walk somewhere else when his mind finally clicked in place. Anastasia would be running into danger, in order to help the man. She would be running right into their trap.

Anastasia followed the scream until it died down. A circle surrounded by trees in the middle of the forest, she was incredibly lost.

"Hello?" She asked "I'm here to help you" she tried to console the person she thought was in danger, but there was nobody there. "Hello?" She asked quieter now

"Are you lost little girl?" A voice sounded behind her, but when she turned around, no one was there. Anastasia swallowed in fear

"I'm not a little girl and I'm not lost" her voice cracked

"Well I can sense you're scared" the voice had moved quickly to where she once stood, which caused her to quickly turn around again.

"You don't even know me how can you tell how I am feeling" Anastasia surprised herself by her confidence, in any other times like this, she'd run and never look back

"Anastasia is it" the figure that matched the voice finally made himself known "haven't you ever noticed weird happenings; missing people; that time you awoke in the forest and can't remember how you got there; that scar miraculously healing" the voice explained

"I agree there is something odd but I do not take notice of it" she began "I'm just thankful I've been allowed to stay and you finally show me your face? Are you afraid?"

I never told you (Elijah Mikaelson fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora