Chapter 18

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"I don't see why I still need a babysitter" Anastasia huffed. Her feet planted firmly on the wet leaves of the forest and her arms crossed tightly. "And I don't see why it has to be you" she made a snide comment to the dapper man stood almost behind her

"Well not only have I known you for a while but I do care for the welfare of others" he began "we don't need any massacring in this town, they're all innocent" Elijah smirked

Anastasia bared her fangs and hissed at him for the first time in a couple of weeks. Her anger had gotten the better of her once more, plus she hadn't fed since this morning. "What about Caroline? Why can't she be here?" She asked

"Well I believe she has a date with, Matt I think it was" Elijah informed her

"Date?" She asked, still behind on the times. She had no idea what a date was.

"It's like courting; like what we used to do" Elijah tried to jog her memory on those years ago when she loved him. The truth was, she did. She didn't admit it plus her pride got in the way of everything

"Oh yes, like every time you would come to my bedroom door to take me out, you always brought me a pink Rose" she remembered, still not looking at him

"And every morning before you wake, I would take you some more flowers" he added, hoping that he had gotten through to her

"Yes, like the purple ones that you out on my desk this morning" she said. Elijah's eyes lit up, hoping for a thank you or some sort of gratitude "they're in the bin" she scrunched her nose up in a sarcastic smile.

Elijah sighed and rolled his eyes at her. And then saw as her arms found their way to her stomach, she was hungry. "Why is this happening?" She asked

"I believe because you're a new vampire , you'll be hungry still; I'll accompany you back to the house to get some food" he informed her.

Elijah then found his back had been slammed against a tree. Anastasia had both hands on his shoulders and her fangs were extended.

"I am not a child" she hissed. Removing one hand from his shoulder and plunging it to grasp his heart "you, Stefan and Damon need to realise that I may be new, but I'm strong"

Elijah breathed heavily and ignored the impulses to hurt her. She was, after all, Anastasia. The sweet young girl that found her way into the heart of a stone cold killer and managed to stay there for eternity.

"You could teach me how to fight" she tightened her grip on his heart "but I would show you how to win"

The only reason Elijah was relieved to have her almost kill him is to show that she was angry, she had emotions and she wasn't planning on turning them off anytime soon. Maybe she didn't know how to.

"I need to say something" the words exploded from his lips "something serious" he said, he wasn't planning on saying this, it just happened.

"Do you really need to say it when I am one flick of a wrist away from killing you?" She asked

"I know that you hate me now but you have never stopped wandering through my mind ever since I lost you" the words bursted out, only seconds after she had finished her sentence.

She quickly took her hand back and held it up to her chest like she had just been wounded. Anastasia took multiple steps backwards, away from him and looked everywhere else but his gaze.

She began to shake her head "you didn't lose me" she started "you were the one that drove me to it, you could have stopped this" she said with a tear trickling down before disappearing into the forest.

Elijah stood there for a moment. At one point, he could actually see something in her eyes, the shock of what he had just said plus the sparkle she he had always seen when she was happy, which disappeared as she began to speak.

Anastasia trudged through the forest, she didn't know how to feel. One part of her wanted to just rip his heart out right there and then, however; the other part wanted to pull him closer. Eventually she settled for just leaving him alone in the woods.

She knew he was genuine; he was truly sorry for what he had done. It proves it as he is siding against his brother, but a voice in the back of her mind only served a purpose to keep her away from him.

Her thoughts were cut off by the sound of someone groaning in pain. Shortly after, a huge whiff of blood danced under her nose, resulting in her eyes dilating and her fangs extending.

Anastasia involuntarily followed the stench to a man on the floor. He looked like a hiker.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" She knelt down to him. She was overwhelmed by the sight of the man almost dying, so much so that she had forgotten completely about the blood.

"Agh something attacked me in the woods, please call for help" he moaned

Anastasia retrieved the small square out of her pocket that Damon called a phone. "How the bloody hell do I use this thing?" She asked herself. Clicking random buttons to see if she could work it.

After a long minute, the phone lit up with 'no signal' and to that, she dropped it on the floor "that doesn't look good" she shrugged.

Over these few weeks, Anastasia had not realised that she could help the man with her blood. She hadn't really got used to the fact that she is not human anymore and she is no longer helpless.

The phone dropped in a pool of blood that dripped from the man's stomach. She sat and stared at it, memorised by the colour and the smell.

"Are you okay?" The man managed to squeeze out "are you squeamish?"

Anastasia shook her head, trying to break out of the hypnotising state. "I'm fine honestly" she smiled and returned to look at the blood.

Her hand gently placed itself on his stomach, soaking in the blood and turning her hand red. "What are you doing?" The man asked, he looked terrified.

She brushed the question off. Raising her hand almost to her mouth, just close enough that she could breathe it for a moment.

"Anastasia no" Elijah exclaimed from the distance. He knew that it could unlock her ripper side and he doesn't want to lose her again.

She didn't see or hear him. Instead her fingers found themselves in her mouth. The blood being washed off and digested. Anastasia wiped her hand across her mouth, leaving the traces of blood before extending her teeth and draining the man of blood.

"Anastasia!" Elijah shouted, using his speed to knock her out of the way. They both lay on the floor for a moment, trying to recover.

The man's body lay just moments away, but it was too late to save him. He had already been drained.

Anastasia jumped up and snarled "why the hell did you do that?" Before changing her look. Elijah saw fear strike in her eyes "what's happening?" She asked before Elijah walked over to her and held her in his arms

"We'll fix you" he consoled her. Elijah felt her body stiffen in his arms as she smelt more blood

"Oh gosh" she exclaimed "Elijah stop me" as she went to run. He stopped her with his hands and tried to pin her down. That didn't work well as she was strong.

Eventually, after a mental fight with himself. Elijah decided to snap her neck. It would subdue her and allow him to take her home.

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