Chapter 22

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Anastasia believed that when Damon and Stefan had left to rescue Elena; that the time dragged by.

She had always been cautious around Niklaus and she had believed him to be the main reason why she had died in the first place. She just wanted it so badly. But she also worried for the welfare of Elijah; she believed that this wouldn't be the end to their love story; that he will prevail and Niklaus wouldn't end Elijah's life.

The hours passed slowly. Anastasia tried to keep busy, whether it be tidying the house. The dust made her sneeze most of the time; so eventually she gave up.

Anastasia felt awful that she wasn't there; helping them save her nephew's girlfriend and helping Elijah kill his blasted brother. But she would have been more of a burden than a help.

The sound of the door opening and slamming shut alerted Anastasia and told her to go downstairs.

She ran downstairs as fast as she could; she knew that Elijah would be there. He promised.

"Stefan, Damon" she ran "what happened is everything okay?" She asked urgently

"Hm" Damon huffed and walked to the other side of the room to get a drink

"Everything's okay" Stefan muttered. Next to him, Elena stood with her arms folded and her face was stained with tears. Anastasia slightly pushed Stefan to the left so she could see her

"And you're..." She began

"Not a vampire, John saved me" she informed her.

Anastasia sighed with relief, she wouldn't wish that upon anyone "can't say the same for Jenna though" Damon shouted before gulping his bourbon.

"Have a heart Damon" Stefan snapped and held Elena a tiny bit closer

"I'm so sorry Elena" Anastasia begun "I didn't know her but from what I heard, she was lovely" she placed a consoling hand on Elena's shoulder and then hugged her tightly

"Yeah" she said "she was" shrugging her shoulders. Anastasia turned around and walked up to Damon

"And I assume that Niklaus is dead" she took the glass out of his hand and placed it on the table. He shrugged and pressed his lips to show a ver unimpressed look.

"Damon!" She began "where is Elijah?" She feared for the worst. Her stomach lurched and a wave of sickness came over her. Damon poured some more bourbon into the glass on the table before putting it back down and replying.

"He's gone" he said

"No" she stepped back "he can't be dead" her hand reached her mouth to muffle any sort of noise that came out

"No" Damon scrunched his face up "he left with Klaus, disappeared, gone, zip" he replied

"He couldn't have left with Niklaus" Anastasia smiled in denial "he promised me he would come back, he hates Niklaus" she shook her head

"Yeah well he promised us that he would kill Klaus; not very good on the keeping of promises"

Words echoed in Anastasia's head. He was gone, left with Niklaus, after their promise. After their kiss.

Doubts filled her mind, what if he realised he didn't love her when he kissed her? Her hands found the glass of bourbon that was set on the table and she gulped it down.

Gasping from the drink, she snapped her head to the side. "Maybe it's best for Elena to go upstairs" she muttered under her breath. She knew that Elena would be in danger around her, especially like this.

A wave of sadness came over her; a feeling like someone had lunged a hand into her chest and had ripped her heart out. This wave only lasted for minutes, but it felt like hours.

After this, all sadness had been replaced with unlimited rage. "How dare he?" She shouted angrily. Smashing the glass against the wall.

"It's Elijah, Anastasia" Damon argued "the family man; I thought you didn't like him anyway"

"It's Elijah, Damon" she imitated his voice "the epic love of my life that I had been reunited with last night, he kissed me and now he's gone, off his own accord" she shouted

"Don't let your anger get the better of you, Anna" Damon began to reason once he had seen how enraged she was

"No, Damon I will not calm down, I have been trying to calm down ever since I came back to life and I can't take it anymore" she hissed. Her hands ran through her hair as she tried to catch her thoughts and bring her true self back into reality.

"Don't" he said

"You know it would be better if I didn't feel a thing; Katherine said it, you've done it and Stefan's done it, so it's not that bad right?" Her eyes widened as she could find an escape route from the pain and the feelings

"No it's not like that..." Damon began but he found himself pinned up against the wall and with a snap, his arm had been broken

"I'm going to do what I want Damon" she whispered in his ear "neither you nor Stefan can stop me" she let go of him and shut her eyes

"Anastasia" Damon exclaimed, but he had been too late. She switched within a blink of an eye. The eyes that filled with tears and pain disappeared and were replaced with a neutral glaze, almost like she was dead.

"It's alright Damon" she smiled "I'm not going to go all ripper on mystic falls; I like it here" she walked over to pour a drink and sip it "I think Chicago is nice this time of year or Louisiana" she sat on the table and tilted her head in thought

"What?" Damon asked confused

"Well I'm such a burden" she sarcastically pushed her bottom lip out "poor old Anastasia, unwanted by her own family" she couldn't hold her laugh in and so it exploded out of her

"You're not unwanted" Damon's voice turned sympathetic

"I've known what you both have been thinking for the past weeks, I'm too much hard work and too much of a risk to be around Elena" she explained "but I don't particularly care now; and I want to travel, see sights; sample the finer things in life"she winked "is it true that Pretty people actually taste better? She laughed

Damon stood there with a confused look on his face, unsure what to say. He watched her as she got up and brush herself off

"Well, I'll leave my stuff here, the new Anastasia needs a better dress sense, something more badass" she giggled "tell Stefan I said bye, and you Damon?" She scrunched her nose up "have a nice life; hope you get the girl" she winked before leaving the house and slamming the door shut. Leaving Damon stood in the same spot and position he had been in.

"What?" He said to himself

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