Chapter 11

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"Lilian! Help me get her out if the water" Eleanor shouted, wading through the shallow parts, reaching for the body.

Lilian walked closer to Eleanor and they both used their powers to pull her closer so Eleanor could drag her out.

"Wait, what about Elijah?" Lilian asked

"If you want to waste you powers on him, that's fine, I'm not. He is an original and he will awake soon and save himself" Eleanor shot a look to her younger sister and then carried Anastasia up to the top.

"Oh dear, something bad happened" Eleanor leant over her body and began to cry.

Anastasia's skin had turned blue with the cold of the water and her beautiful hair fell into separate locks, soaking wet.

Her deep red dress had almost turned black with water and wounds on her legs were clean, as the water had washed the blood off.

"There's something strange" Lilian said "I can feel something"

Eleanor jumped "I can feel it too" she took the bright blue ring from her finger and placed it on the ground. "She's going to wake soon, she'll be in transition, I need to charm this ring so she can walk in the daylight" Eleanor began chanting "there it's done"

Lilian grinded her teeth, she had felt relief that she had been killed and now she was coming back to life. She thought she had seen the last of her.

"Now we have to wait" Eleanor observed

Hours passed and nothing happened, Elijah had not even awoke. Eleanor, still sat by Anastasia, sighed and made to get up to take her somewhere private however, the blue body gasped and sat up with a distraught and confused look on her face.

"Eleanor why am I here?" She shook terribly and wrapped her arms around herself for warmth

"You died" she began

"Yes I know I died, I jumped of the cliff to escape my other fate but what I want to know is why am I here? Why do I breathe" she sobbed

"You must've died with a vampires blood in your system" Eleanor explained

" A vampire! I'm a vampire? Nobody has fed me their blood" she began "wait" Anastasia remembered the day before the party

"Elijah!" Anastasia giggled, she had lost him in the forest. "Elijah?" Her feet slowed down until she completely stopped, head turning from one side to another.

"Over here" he called from behind her, she turned around and he wasn't there.

Anastasia turned around again and there he stood, she smiled at him "how can you do that?"

"It's some sort of trickery" he smiled

"Well never mind your trickery, I believe the game isn't over" she said, slowly walking up to Elijah and then turning to run away.

Elijah stood there for a minute to laugh and admire her beauty before running again

Anastasia looped the trees until her feet caught each other and she tripped. Landing in thorn bushes.

"Ouch" she exclaimed, her knees and hands began to pour blood.

Elijah sped over to kneel beside her "are you okay?" He asked

"Yes I'm okay" she smiled, taking Elijah's hand to pull herself up.

The blood from her hand wiped across Elijah's and that was his only focus. The deep, crimson blood on his hand, slowly making it's way to his mouth

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