Chapter 6

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Throughout the days he had spent with Anastasia, he could not get enough of her company. Elijah found himself thinking about her frequently and not craving her blood, but craving her very essence, her laugh, her smile, even the small eyebrow raise when she asked questions. He had never felt like this before, not even towards Tatia.

Niklaus had not made another move yet, maybe because all of Anastasia's time was taken up in the company of Elijah. No doubt to say, Rebekah envied him for taking her friend away.

Elijah sat on his bed, thinking about her over and over again. Reliving the attack and wondering who the culprit was. Niklaus was much more stealthy and would completely cover his tracks so he had narrowed it down to the new vampires.

But that wasn't the top of his agenda, what he wanted to do was pick the rarest and prettiest of flowers that would compliment Anastasia, so he could give them to her and watch her face light up.

"Brother, you've gone all soft, picking flowers" Rebekah stood in the door way, reading Elijah's thoughts like an open book

"Sister, do you mind? I'm trying to have a moment alone" he didn't look at her, he didn't need to

"Well since you've stolen my only friend in this blasted place, I'm just making sure you're going to treat her nice, she's not a play toy" she retaliated

"For the last time Rebekah, for once in my life my feelings are completely my own, I do enjoy her company and I'll make it my mission to spend more time" he turned around to see a mardy Rebekah, crossing her arms like a child "now I suggest you stop talking about her and get some more friends if you are so bothered"

"Can't you tell by the tone in my voice Elijah? I'm not really bothered about you taking my friend away, I'm more bothered about the fact that you haven't made your move yet" she huffed "Anastasia deserves it"

"Rebekah, it is my choice and I will make my move when I feel it is time to; now please, I'm thinking" he held is arm and pointed to the direction which she came

"The purple flowers that grow in the meadow just east of the cottages in the forest, they're beautiful and I guarantee she hasn't seen them before" Rebekah smiled before walking off

Elijah had never seen those flowers before, but he had to make the journey, a twenty minute walk at least.

Through the forest, he came across the cottages, three in a row. They were owned by witches that worked within the castle. He remembered Rebekah's words, east of the cottages. And so he abided by the directions until reaching the meadow filled with purple flowers, the ones described by Rebekah.

She was right; he hadn't seen these before and he was sure that Anastasia hadn't either

"You are quite taken with this girl brother, I've never seen you pick flowers before" Niklaus had followed him and he was sure that there was something going on

"Brother" Elijah began, sighing in annoyance "can I not have time alone"

"I don't see you complaining when you're with her" Niklaus spat, as if to be angered by the thought of his brother moving on

"Niklaus I don't expect you to understand, the only person you had feelings for were Tatia when you were human and then you changed" Elijah retaliated

"Oh brother, you're sense of responsibility for this girl, seems you are more like an older brother or a father figure" Niklaus teased

"I'm there to protect her always, I vowed that when she was attacked" Elijah replied

"Which attack brother? The witch attack? Or the vampire attack in the woods?" Niklaus smiled cheekily, knowing that Elijah had never told him

"How did you know about that?" Elijah pointed his finger at him and anger built up

"Maybe one needed to see how his brother would react to certain situations regarding Anastasia; might I say, I was impressed, shame you don't show that amount of loyalty to your own family" Niklaus hissed, his voice growing serious

"Niklaus what must I do for you to leave her alone?" Elijah sighed, growing tired of the conversation

"All I want is my brother to be by my side always as brothers should be" he began "Anastasia can stay but the more time I see you spend with her, the more I think there is something strange about her and the more I want to find out" Niklaus lied, his jealousy had consumed him, his brother preferring to spend time with a petty human than him. He already had a plan to find out if this girl was special, he was just awaiting a witch to be escorted from Italy, the others had either refused or been too weak.

There was another way; however it would never work for Niklaus. Anastasia had to open her mind up to him, to trust him. But the only people she trusted that could carry this out would be Elijah or Rebekah, and they would certainly refuse.

"Are you telling me that you'll leave her alone if I leave her alone?" Elijah summarised

"Yes brother" Niklaus smirked, knowing the answer already "always and forever"

Elijah closed his eyes and shook his head "you give me your word that you will leave her be, if I leave her be"

"I give my word" Niklaus lied, his word never meant anything compared to Elijah's. He had been known for always breaking them.

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