Chapter 31

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"We made it, I'm out, after all thee years I've just wanted to be out" Charles gazed up at the sky.

Elijah had moved so quick he had landed on the ground, he placed his hands on the floor and pushed himself up to check for any danger. He turned to the side and examined their whereabouts

"Where's Anastasia?" He asked; dreading for the answer to be that she was still inside.

Charles joking in, he looked around. "She's not here" he observed, his disappointed expression had told Elijah that he was no free as of yet.

Elijah retrieved a piece of paper in the inside pocket of his suit and a pen. He wrote down some notes and gave it to Charles with the stone and the car keys.

"What are these?" He asked confused, of course he knew what they were, he meant why he was giving them him.

"On the paper; there is an address, to to that address with the car and keep the stone safe until I return" Elijah explained

"No I'm not leaving my sister here" he stood his ground

"Right now, you're more in danger than her, if you come with me you'll only be a burden and it can compromise the whole thing" Elijah retaliated

Charles didn't agree, he just took the things. He knew that if he said that he would leave out loud, would mean that he didn't care. He wanted himself to believe that he didn't give up, that he out herself in front of him as always.

Meanwhile, Anastasia's eyes flickered open. She was lying in a pool of blood; her own blood.

Her vision blurred but she knew that there was someone else in the room; she needed to be quiet but her loud coughing betrayed her.

"Finally awake are we?" James asked, he had been sitting on a chair, staring at her.

Anastasia shuffled up, so her back was leaning on the wall and she was facing the wolf.

"What do you want?" She groaned loudly, the pain shooting in her stomach had now started in her neck, where he had bitten her. "Why do you have all of my stuff?"

James began to laugh "oh dear, you honestly don't know do you?" He started

Anastasia looked had him confused, if she had done anything to hurt him, it was against her will, she wouldn't really hurt a fly

"Remember March 3rd? You were in a small town in Virginia, just on the outskirts, do you remember what you did there?"

"I barely remember" she had realised they were only days after she had turned off her emotions, maybe she did something

"Jayne Lockwood, around 24 years old? Remember her? Remember how you tore her, piece by piece in front of her brother, in front of me" he spat

Anastasia began to feel dizzy, her vision faded in and out and her arms began to tingle and burn all at the same time "I didn't" she tried to put up a fight, but she was too weak

"I got out, after hearing her screams; I ran out the back door and Into town" he hissed "I vowed to hunt you down, and that's when I realised you had a history, a powerful one, so I rummaged through all of the family records and museums to get anything belonging to you, they are powerful" his body jumped up and down in a sarcastic and evil laugh

"what?" Anastasia managed to lift her head up for a few seconds

"I had a lot of things belonging to you; everything was helpful to try and get my sister back, all I needed was..." He leaned closer "you"

"Me?" She shut her eyes with the wave of pain that came over her "why me?"

"Because witches lead everyone to believe your blood would be useless in death, the truth is, it's not, it just makes you something even more powerful to draw from" he explained "all of these things are helpful, but you're heart would be the best thing to bring her back"

"I didn't mean to kill her, I didn't know what I was doing" she tried to explain how her emotions were locked away and how she had a ripper side, a side that still could come through, a side that needed concealed.

"Save your apologies" he shouted "I don't want to hear them"

Just as he stepped towards Anastasia, who was now writhing in pain, her body twitching and her wounds spreading, someone entered

"Let her go" he spoke sternly, Elijah didn't know whether to be sneaky or to be full on, he knew he couldn't die and it would be the quicker way to just face him, so he did.

"Elijah" Anastasia let out, her vision going blurred. She knew she only had a short amount of time left.

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