Chapter 9

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The two days went by quickly until it was time for the party.

Elijah waited patiently with Trevor by the ocean, waiting for their special guest to arrive. And then; Elijah would get answers on the mysterious Salvatore.

In the distance floated a small boat, elijah had seen many boats come and go in his time, but this one felt different.

It emerged from the misty air as if out if nowhere and it slowly crept up until it his the shore

"Hello, you must be Lord Mikaelson" the voice smiled and took a respectful bow

"Yes, it's Elijah, and I'm sure I know who you are" Elijah replied, shaking the hand of the stranger

"Thank you for inviting me into your home"

"It's my pleasure" Elijah smiled "now we'll show you up to your room and let you get settled in and I'll meet you at the party, I need to ask some questions" Elijah strode in front of the guest with Trevor but turned around "oh and I'd like it if you kept a low profile, I don't want Anastasia knowing just yet, it's a surprise until the party"

The time flew by so quickly for Anastasia, and before she knew it she was already dressed into her new deep red gown.

The necklace still hung on her neck, she hadn't taken it off since she had put it on those days ago.

Even though it has been over a month living here, she still get anxiety of being in a room with so many people she had only looked at, not talked to.

She heard music begin from downstairs, that signalled her and others that the ball had begun. So she grabbed he skirt with one hand and made her way downstairs.

Anastasia pushed through the blocked crowd, it was hard to actually breathe, never mind move or find anyone that you know.

She coughed to get the attention of three women in front of her, they moved aside to make a pathway to the next obstacle.

She didn't know when it started, but she had contracted a habit, whenever she sees Niklaus, terror struck through her and she needed to be as far away as possible. In this case, he was as he was the first time they met, praying on vulnerable women.

After some time of searching, she found somewhere so sit, luckily, the bench was empty. On the other end, Elijah came and sat down

"I've been searching for you" he smiled, thinking about the moment they almost shared the other night

"And I you, however there are many ignorant people at this party" Anastasia replied, edging closer to him and to place her hand on his.

He flinched for the first second, but then relaxed and allowed his fingers to intertwine with hers. They both looked at each other and smiled.

"Elijah, Anastasia" Rebekah came over "aren't you two going to dance?"

"No I love dancing but I honestly can't do it" Anastasia shook her head "two left feet"

"Nonsense" Elijah smiled, gripping her hand tighter and pulling her up "I'll teach you" he walked to the dance floor with Anastasia protesting

"Really? In front of these people? I am sure to fall or trip or hurt myself" she huffed but giggled at the same time.

He stood her in one position and ran around to her front to take place her hands on his shoulders and take her fragile waist.

"Elijah..." She began

"...just take my lead" he said, as if he read her mind. The music started and Anastasia felt nothing but her nerves playing up and her paranoia of everybody watching her.

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