Chapter 23

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Anastasia woke up in the forest. She fitted the pieces of the puzzle together, she must have blacked out.

She stretched up and stepped over one of very many bloody bodies that were scattered on the floor.

"Bloody hell" she whispered to herself, licking her index finger and trying to remove a blood stain. Before she realised; she was completely covered in it.

Her ears picked up as she heard someone's heart rate quicken. Anastasia's head snapped to the side where she saw a teenage girl, tears streaming down her face, leant up against a tree, holding on to one of the dead bodies.

Anastasia took her hand and pulled her up. She examined the girls clothes. "That'll have to do" she sighed to herself, she looked in the girls eyes "don't move, don't shout for help; but be scared, be very very scared" she compelled. The girl's sobs grew louder and quicker.

Anastasia rolled her eyes. Continuing to the bodies to pile them up.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" The girl quietly asked

"It's none of your business who I am, you're going to die anyway" she smiled "and I'm doing this to cover my tracks, you know it causes quite a stir when fifteen bodies are found with their throats ripped out" she looked over to one of the bodies "and some without their heads" Anastasia picked a severed head up and threw it on the pile

The girl shook uncontrollably; her face, stained with tears. Confused on why she couldn't move she tried to speak again, Anastasia saw this and huffed

"Don't try to talk again; answering these questions is exhausting especially when you're going to die anyway" she rolled her eyes and walked up to the girl. "Now, I need your clothes"

"What?" The girl shook

"Do you honestly believe that I'm going to walk out into the town with these bloody clothes? I'm smart you know; not just a ravenous vampire" she smiled "now, clothes" her face turned dead.
Anastasia buttoned up the last button on her dark plaid shirt and turned to the pile of bodies.

The girl stood with a blanket wrapped around her; she was still crying.

"Do you ever shut up?" Anastasia walked over to her, placing her hand on the girl's chin and pushed her head to the side quickly, causing her neck to snap and the girl fell to the ground.

She retrieved the silver lighter out of her bag and a bottle of gasoline she had bought from a gas station, in preparation for her food.

One bottle later, she pressed the lighter and threw it on the pile. Flames caught, they kept catching until the pile was one mass of flames.

Anastasia turned around, smiling to herself and started walking away.

"Goodbye Mystic Falls" she winked to herself.

"Damon" Stefan began "what do you mean she's gone?" He asked urgently

"She just picked up and left" he shrugged, a drink in his hand like always

"But her stuff is still here" Elena interrupted, coming down the stairs

"Well, let's just say she doesn't really care" she drunk half of the glass with a twisted smile

"You're not saying that she shut her humanity off Damon?" Stefan looked at him angrily

"I didn't let her; I tried my best, she ignored me, turned them off and left" he explained "too fast for me to stop; plus she gave me a really bad broken arm" be stretched his arm out and breathed through is teeth "still painful"

"That means that she can become a ripper" Stefan observed "she will kill people" he wiped his hand across his mouth in thought

"Don't worry" Damon began "she wanted to move to a big city, she'll soon get caught or join a clan of vampires who will teach her right from wrong, like the karate kit. The karate vampire or the vampire kid" he joked

"It's no time for joking Damon" Elena started but she was horribly ignored as Damon looked at his phone.

"Who is it?" Stefan asked

"Liz" Damon started "guess Anastasia isn't as stupid as you both think; there's been a forest fire. Wonder what that's covering up" he smiled

"Oh I don't know, the death of multiple innocent people?" Stefan said sarcastically

"Give the girl some slack brother, we've all had phases when we've killed and let go, let her have her time and she'll eventually come crawling back" Damon didn't seem too bothered anymore. He knew if she had her moment, then she would go back to normal and come back to her family.

"Look Stefan, Elijah kissed her and left her. Imagine the toll that took on her, she was dying inside so it would have been best" he explained

"Elijah kissed her?" Elena asked "that must have hurt when he left" she spoke quietly to herself "Stefan maybe she won't hurt many people; I'm guessing she still has common sense" Elena argued "let her just get in her right frame of mind first"

Stefan huffed, he stared at Damon. Still believing he could have done something.

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