Chapter 4

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3rd July 1482
I have just awoke from a long sleep, which is strange as I haven't had a good night sleep in a while.

This is my first full day and I intend to take advantage. Get to know the locals and the maids and the butlers. Maybe talk to Elijah again plus I need to find Rebekah but I have a feeling she will find me.

I also need to ask Trevor about Charles and find away to send a message to him, to tell him and father how I'm getting on and to ask how they are.

Anastasia wrote by the light of the sun that beamed through her window. She looked through it and smiled slightly to herself

The view was beautiful in itself, her room on looked a small part of the garden, the entrance of the large forest and the humongous cliff that she had seen at the beginning of her visit.

As she looked down on the garden, she spotted Elijah stride around, looking at the flowers and what she could make out, he was smiling.

His face turned upwards to meet her gaze, she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She had been watching him for at least five minutes and it was obvious he knew she was there.

Elijah raised his hand and made it into a small wave, to which she returned. They were stood in their spaces, silently conversing with their eyes and exchanging smiles.

Anastasia's attention drifted as someone knocked on the door. She waved Elijah goodbye and proceeded to answer the door.

"Rebekah" she smiled "I was about to look for you" she lied

"Yes after your stare out with Elijah?" She smiled, entering the room "a maid will come and strip the beds"

"You saw? Anastasia was quite embarrassed "and it's completely fine, I can do it myself"

"Yes, I doubt you'd have seen me but I was quite near him and nonsense, they have their roles you have yours, which is to walk around and look pretty"

Anastasia fell silent, guilt ridden about making someone else do her work.

"So what are we doing today?" Anastasia asked after some thinking

"Were going into the village, it isn't much but it will get you some fresh air and clear your mind" Rebekah smiled "shall we go?"

Anastasia picker her skirt up and walked behind Rebekah, allowing her to lead her out of the doors. This is when she walked quicker to stay beside Rebekah.

"How come I have never heard of a Mikaelson sister? At home my brother only spoke about the two Lords of the manor" Anastasia asked curiously

Rebekah thought for a while before answering "oh uhm that is because if only returned from my travels to Italy" Rebekah lied, the truth was she had only just returned to the land of the living, due to Niklaus removing her dagger

"Oh that sounds wonderful, what is Italy like?" Anastasia asked

"Nothing exciting, it's similar to France" Rebekah sighed, she knew her brothers had travelled there and she had been there but in a coffin.

The two girls walked down the long path of the castle and out through the gates and into the town.

"This is different" Anastasia observed from house to house, many people ignored their presence, fewer people cowered from Rebekah's gaze and a rare amount of people couldn't stop watching the young girl next to the original vampire.

Whether it be sympathy, for they feared for her life or confusion, as to why she was there, the village folk didn't take their gaze off and Anastasia felt uncomfortable.

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