Chapter 28

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"It should be around here" Anastasia looked around the deserted place. All that could be seen in the darkness was a couple of old houses. "Ah there it is" she pointed over to the bar, it brought attention due to the loud music coming from inside.

"Please tell me he's not a bar owner" Elijah shook his head

"James Lockwood, landlord" she smiled "this is it"

"Okay" Elijah took his hands off the wheel as they parked up in the car park.

"Wait, I'm not going into a bar dressed like this, one minute" she got out of the car and looked in the trunk, pulling out a black skintight dress and a pair of velvet heels.

"What're you doing? Elijah asked, turning away as Anastasia got back into the car and undressed

"It's not like you haven't seen any of this before, hint hint, about three hours ago" she winked.

Finally, when she had sorted her hair and almost everything else out. She entered the bar with Elijah at her side.

"Excuse me" she walked up to a woman at the bar "I'm looking for a James Lockwood? She asked

"The owner" she smiled "yeah I know him, what confuses me is why would vermin like you want him" she knew who they were and what they were

"Should have smelt you from a mile away" Anastasia muttered "wolves always smell bad"

"Over here boys" she shouted into the room, the duo turned around to see not a small group, but all of the people turn around, their eyes shone yellow

"Damn" Anastasia looked at Elijah

"My sentiments exactly" Elijah replied

"So tell me, what do you want with me, just a humble landlord" a guy that is obvious to be James Lockwood entered the room.

Anastasia knew there was no point in lying "the Salvatore stone" she said

"It is not the Salvatore stone, it was given to the Lockwoods in 1864; as a gift"he smirked

"Well I want it back, it's my stone, my blood, it's mine" Anastasia hissed.

"Come and get it then" he opened his arms, inviting Anastasia to attack him

"No Anastasia" Elijah pulled her back as her fangs extended and eyes dilated "you're in a room full of wolves"

"Come on Elijah, live a little" she smiled as she wriggled free and made to lunge at James.

She was taken down by a wolf standing by the side of him. "Ouch you dick" she spat as she hit the floor "you're not supposed to be this strong, it's not a full moon"

"Why do you think we have these?" He laughed, holding up his finger to show a ring with a black stone in.

"Moonlight rings" she whispered to herself "you're very lucky" she smiled, biting of the wolf's finger and snapping his neck.

She was then greeted by four more wolves, who intended to kill her. She lost sight of Elijah and worry began to creep through.

She fought her way through the tonnes of wolves that blocked her path. "Elijah" she shouted, as her hand ripped through the heart of another wolf.

"Anastasia" Elijah shouted from the other end of the room. He was battling with ten wolves, he was stronger but the moonlight rings made then even stronger.

Before he knew it, his worry of Anastasia overcame him and he grew weaker. A wolf tackled him to the floor, straddling the wriggling vampire, the man grabbed a stake from his inside pocket and raised it in the air.

"Elijah" Anastasia had managed to get a small view of him on the ground. The sight of him in danger and the uncertainty of the type of wood that made the stake frightened her.

As she pushed through the crowd, with new found strength. Her emotions flooded back, the girl she once was, those years ago returned to her and for once in these past months she felt the mix of emotions. Frightened, upset, angry and strong. Bile rose in her stomach as the stake pierced his chest and his skin turned purple.

"Stay away from him" she shouted, snapping the neck of the wolf on top of him and she knelt by his side, removing the stake. "It's just oak" she sighed in relief, she then smiled at him, caressing his cheek with her thumb "I'm so sorry, my love" she closed her eyes and a tear trickled it's way down. "You're going to be okay"

"But you're not" James said from behind, before Anastasia could turn around to at least see the mess that she made. Her neck snapped.

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