Chapter 24

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Months had passed by since Anastasia had left mystic falls. She felt free at last, she could do what she wishes and she had finally gotten used to the lifestyle of a vampire in the 21st century.

She had compelled herself a small apartment in uptown Chicago. She would have gone for something more exquisite and larger, but she wanted something low profile and she moved around a lot, when people grew suspicious of her.

So far she's just been on the road. She visited a couple of small towns in Virginia and may or may not have left a trail of bodies on her way, but nobody really had suspected her.

She wore her favourite black leather jacket with a loose fitting top, not leaving much to the imagination, black jeans a high heeled leather boots.

As she zipped her boots up, ready to leave the apartment when she heard grumbled coming from the bedroom.

She snapped her head to the side and walked to the doorway. She could see who the source was perfectly.

Among the messed up bodies, crawled a man, he was in his twenties. He met Anastasia at a party the night prior with about seven other people. Like anyone else, he was drawn in by her beauty and mystery, she wasn't like the other girls.

Eventually Anastasia had lured them into her apartment with promises of "free booze" and "more fun than this place" but this obviously meant that they would have been her meal for the night.

"I thought I killed you" she knelt down and looked into the mans scared eyes

"Y-y-y" he stuttered "your face" his body covered with blood and his voice weak

"Scared much?" She laughed to herself before finishing him off.

Before she reached the door, her phone buzzed. She huffed and whipped it out of her back pocket to check it. It was Damon.

"Guess who's back?"

Anastasia and Damon had been in touch occasionally, more like an exchange of one word every few months. He would ask if she was okay, she would say yes and not give away any location or hints to her whereabouts.

Damon sat in the room, with Elena and Stefan.

"You heard anything from her yet?" Stefan asked anxiously

"All she replies to me is that she is okay Stefan" he argued "and she only does that because we are family"

"I found something" Elena sat up, a laptop rested on her knee as she was searching through the news of Virginia to find any abnormal deaths. "Five found dead in home after being brutally murdered" Elena read the title and carried on to read the first few lines "five unidentified bodies have been found at their family home in West Virginia, all with large gashes to the neck; police suspect that they had the same killer as the family in Westbrook last week. They have found similar markings on the wall, 'XOXO' written in the blood of the victims"

"That's her alright" Damon nodded

"How do you actually know it's her, and not anyone else?" Elena asked "it's suspicious but it could be just another murder"

"Here's how I know Elena; when someone goes off on a ripper rampage, they have a signature. Stefan's would be that he puts people back together, hers would be that she writes Xoxo in blood, because she's a girl and stuff" Damon explained

"Plus when we visited the house in Westbrook, you could feel that she had been there" Stefan added.

Damon and Stefan had been following leads on Anastasia's sightings and suspicious deaths around the state. However; they were always a couple of days too late and any trail that she would have left had gone cold.

Anastasia had no idea that she was being hunted, that's why she made no attempt to cover any tracks she left.

"Why don't we go and check it out then?" Stefan asked

"She's probably in a completely different state now Stefan..." Damon was interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'll get it" he scrunched his face up into a smile and headed for the door.

"You've got to be kidding me" he muttered to himself as he saw the dapper figure standing on the other side of the door. Damon slammed it shut; well, he attempted to.

Elijah's foot had been caught in the door, leaving it open.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked, but realised the reason he would have returned to the Salvatore house after betraying them.

"I need to apologise for my actions, I never go back on my word but he threatened me with my family" Elijah explained

"You're a family man aren't you?" Damon smiled "apology not accepted no ba-bye" Damon shut the door but this time it was stopped by Elijah's hand.

"I need to speak to Anastasia now" he demanded. A wave of smugness came across Damon's face, he wanted to be the one to stop Elijah in his tracks and ruin his day.

"Nope" Damon caught Elijah by surprise and shut the door, before locking it.

He walked back to the living room where Stefan and Elena was sat, staring angrily at Elijah who had been seated on Damon's chair.

"How?" Damon asked, unimpressed

"I've already been invited in, your back door was open" Elijah topped Damon's smugness "and now where is Anastasia?"

"She's gone" Damon spat "no idea where she is, but she left. Probably shouldn't have kissed her and left"

Elijah didn't say anything, just sat looking shocked at Damon and then turned to Stefan "is this true?"

Stefan nodded. No words were said. Elijah felt awful for not telling her where he was or if he was safe. He felt awful for not being there to take her out and get to know her again like he promised.

"Where is she?" Elijah asked

"Beats me" Damon shrugged, acting like someone big until he was faced by Elijah. A piece of glass touching his neck.

"You let her go without knowing where she is? She could be in danger" Elijah hissed. Stefan stood up but knew that he couldn't overpower him.

"She doesn't care about you anymore Elijah, or us or anything for that matter. She's smart, she is fine" Damon pushed through his lips

"Her emotions" Elijah clicked "you let her turn off her emotions?" He lunged the glass into Damon's neck and he let out a large 'ouch'

"It's not our fault" Damon argued "you were the one to push her off the edge"

Elijah knew it was his fault, he kissed her and left. She had been vulnerable and he noticed a change in her attitude, her anger was taking over and she was becoming a true emotionless vampire. His kiss brought her back but after he left he could not control it.

"And I will be the one to find her" Elijah stated

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