Chapter 25

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Elijah parked the car in a baron area. Nobody was in sight, this was perfect for being undercover.

The door shut heavily and Elijah held a piece of paper in his hand. A newspaper in fact. He glanced down at the title 'increase of deaths in Chicago' the area. Underneath listed everything be needed to know, from the area the bodies were found to the reason they died.

He slipped the paper into his pocket and made his way onto the path. He was about a 5 minute walk away from the most recent location.

Anastasia walked through the streets to her new apartment, the blood had stained and it annoyed her.

"Morning miss Jackson" an lady smiled, she had just brought out a sponge and a bucket to wash her car

"Oh mrs. Phillips, I've told you before, fall me Felicity" she smiled falsely. Anastasia had compelled the woman many of times to cover her tracks.

"You got a new apartment?" She asked sweetly

"Yeah, old one got infested and I particularly didn't like it anyway" Anastasia lied "anyway I have to go, got some friends coming round, you should come round some time" she winked and turned around.

Anastasia did have some people coming to her house. She had compelled them the night prior to come to the certain address at a a certain time. Which was now.

As she reached the door, a group of seven compelled people arrived behind her.

"Right on time" she smiled "I'm starving" she laughed maniacally and pushed the door open, allowing the group to enter.

"You will let me in, now" Elijah compelled the guard to let him into the crime scene.

He tore through the yellow paper and analysed the massacre. Heads were separated from bodies and scattered along the floor. He never realised such a delicate and beautiful creature could be capable of such a horrific sight.

But what caught is attention was the mirror and the markings 'xoxo' in blood

He stepped over a head to run his index finger over the sign. Closing his eyes; he allowed the markings to take him to what happened and if Anastasia had been there. It worked perfectly.

A man unlocked the door, he was smiling. Behind him, laughed Anastasia, a laugh that someone would find genuine; but Elijah knew it was fake.

"go on" she smiled "go in" her hand gripped onto his and she pushed him into the dark room.

"Surprise" the light turned on to show an intimate group of people, the family and friends of the man.

"Felicity, did you do this" he turned to Anastasia and smiled

"You know me Dan, I'm a sucker for a good party especially a birthday" she watched as the man turned around to head into the party. Once he was out of sight, her sweet smile turned to something evil.

The vision cut off and skipped to later on

Anastasia grabbed onto Dan's shoulder and pulled him into a private room.

"What are you doing?" He laughed

"I'm a surprising person; plus it's your birthday and I didn't get you a gift" she smiled.

Dan began to kiss her and place his hands on the wall behind her. Trapping her in.

Anastasia kissed back and broke off when he began to trail the kisses down her neck. Anastasia's eyes dilated; she needed to feed now.

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