Chapter 27

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"It takes about a day to drive there" Elijah started; pointing at the map.

"Let's see" Anastasia took the map and looked closely at the circles area. She looked seriously to Elijah and waved the map in the air, letting it go.

"Why did you do that?" Elijah looked unimpressed

"Reason 1, it's nice to have an element of spontaneity in your life Elijah, don't just work by the rules, plus 2, I know where it is, kinda killed some people there" she grew quieter at the mention of killing "can we pull over; I'm starving"

"Food or people?" He asked, one hand on the wheel and one just resting

"Hmm people" she said sarcastically, turning her whole body around to look at him

"Then no" he shot her down, Anastasia backed off after that

"Ooh Elijah, being stern, didn't know you could say no to me" she smiled maniacally

"I can do a lot of things actually, you probably didn't know" he replied

"Like what?" She asked "little stick in the mud Elijah, can't let to or even bend the rules" she giggled. Elijah tutted, he couldn't help but smile. He knew that he could be just as evil as her, maybe more.

Elijah pulled the car over sharply, making Anastasia her through the window. "Wow, so rebellious a roadside cafe" Anastasia rolled her eyes. Following Elijah out of the car.

She lifted her sunglasses to rest on the top of her head "no no no" she smiled "I won't be seen at this dump"

"Tough" he brushed her off and proceeded to walk to the door, where he opened the door, motioning for her to enter.

"You're so stubborn" she huffed, walking past him and into the building. Elijah shut the door behind him, slowly changing the 'open' sign to closed.

"Can I help you?" A woman walked up to them

"Not at the moment, we're just going to take a seat and look" Anastasia smiled politely.

Elijah lead Anastasia to a booth, with red leather seats. He passed her the menu and she began to look through it

"Ooh, she looks nice over there" she hid behind the menu and pointed to a girl sat alone "or maybe him" she smiled.

Elijah shook his head and looked down, he knew what he had in mind would completely blow her away. What he did have in mind would be to bond with her dark side, earn her trust and trigger her emotions, when the time was right.

"Just choose" Elijah demanded. He wanted to make a good argument to get her back before he resorted to what he didn't really want to do. "So" he begun "when are you planning on turning your humanity back on?"

Anastasia peered out from behind the menu "why does it concern you?" She tilted her head

"Since the last time I checked, my dear Anastasia, we had strong feelings for each other..." He began but was interrupted

"And then you left, see the thing is Elijah, we may have had strong feelings for each other, but how many times were we actually together? We kissed twice! And last time I checked, it ended with me dead or crying" so explained.

Elijah looked down, trying not to acknowledge what she had just said.

"So Elijah, to answer your question, probably never" she smiled and watched as the woman walk closer

"You ready to order?" She brought a pen and paper to write down

"Yes please, I'll have the pancakes" Anastasia put on the fake politeness and the woman wrote down the order

"And for you sir?" She turned to Elijah. He snapped his head to the side

"Hm I haven't decided yet" he smiled "maybe you can help" he extended his fangs and buried them deep into the woman's neck until she flopped to the floor

"You absolute ass, I actually wanted pancakes" Anastasia looked unimpressed

"Well now you have something better, now you can go and get some pancakes or help me finish off this place" Elijah looked at her.

Anastasia smiled crookedly, she felt part of her emotions turn back on for a moment, but she concealed it and managed to turn it off.

"Did I mention how sexy you look with your fangs" she winked and put the menu down.

The last person quivered in the corner of the cafe.

"Do you want it?" Anastasia didn't bother in wiping the blood smeared across her face

Elijah pulled the man up and pushed him closer to Anastasia, he then buried his fangs into one side and Anastasia did the same to the other side.

After Anastasia felt the man take his last breath, she pushed him to the side to gaze at Elijah's blood covered face. The looked at each other for a moment, before they both threw their face forwards into a fiery kiss.

Her hands gripped Elijah's hair, pushing him more into her, as close as he could get.

Elijah swiped the counter clean and lifted Anastasia up. He stood between her legs as she worked her hands over his chest to undo his buttons.

They broke off for a minute to stare at each other again. For Elijah, this moment was real, he loved her and he needed her in his life. But for Anastasia, she didn't really feel any emotion in it, except for the odd moment when their eyes met, however; she ignored those feelings.

"How's the vamp dream team going?" Damon asked Elijah over the phone. He looked in the mirror of the male bathroom with the tap running. He was trying to dress himself as well as speak

"It's going okay, no sign of emotion yet, but I'm sure I'd get under her skin" Elijah smiled to himself, knowing he so side joke that Damon didn't.

"Look I don't care what you've done, but just get the stone, get the girl back" Damon demanded. Elijah didn't take notice if Damon's ignorance and how he can command an original do to something. He just hung up.

"You ready to go?" Anastasia walked in the door, smiling and walked out.

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