Chapter 16

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Anastasia looked through all of the clothes laid out on hangers in her wardrobe. They were so peculiar, so different to the clothes she had been used to.

Eventually she settled for a light yellow dress and a short, white knitted cardigan.

"Looking very modern" Damon winked as she came into the room.

"I didn't know women of this era wore such short dresses" Anastasia looked at the dress which ended in the middle of her thigh.

Damon out down his glass of bourbon and threw Anastasia something. She caught it immediately in her hands and inspected.

"Is this blood?" She could tell from the smell of it "why is it in such weird packaging?"

"It's a blood bag" Damon informed "it's how we can get blood without using humans, it's more convenient for midnight snacks" he said

Anastasia stared the bag down before drinking it. Her fangs extended and eyes dilated with the taste and she squoze the empty bag when she had finished.

She used a tissue to wipe away the excess blood and tried not to make such a fuss over it. Outside, she remained calm and collected, thanking Damon for the bag. Inside, she wanted more; she craved not only the blood; but the hunt, the kill. But this wasn't Anastasia.

Just as Anastasia had snapped her thoughts off, Elena came into the room. Anastasia could smell her; and even though she was deeply cared for by her family. She needed more blood.

She hadn't realised that behind Elena followed a very cautious and nervous Elijah. He had already been invited over the other day before all of this happened, he saw it as a chance to see her again as well as completing what he had come here to do.

Dripping from Elena's hand, she saw the smallest amount of blood. A paper cut, the smell danced under her nose and branded itself irresistible. With the two brothers watching confused; Anastasia tried to conceal her fangs.

But it did not work, she was new, she lacked control.

She bared her fangs, and with doubt in her eyes; she lunged towards Elena, pinning her up against the wall and smelling her neck.

Within seconds she felt someone's arms wrap around her waist and pull her back.

"Get her off" Damon exclaimed, Elena stood there distraught.

Anastasia turned to the side to see Stefan almost crouched, ready to pounce. She thought who was holding her back?

Elijah gripped tightly to the hungry vampire who tried to get out if his grasp. She tried even harder when she realised that Elijah was the one to hold her

"Get off of me" she hissed, almost tripping backwards when she surprisingly escaped. She realised what she had done and began to shake her head in disbelief "no no I'm so sorry I'm really sorry" she mumbled, walking slowly backwards "I'm not supposed to be here, I'm not supposed to be a vampire" her hand raised to cover her mouth and muffle any sobs before running off into the forest.

For hours, she sat by the river. It was calm there and it soothed her mind, also, she had realised that nobody walks around there in the day that much.

The sun reflected on the water, it looked breathtaking.

Elijah walked up behind her and say down next to her. In which she immediately moved the opposite way.

Elijah laughed at her gesture, she was still in reaching distance, but at a comfortable distance for her.

"I'm a monster" she spat, she wanted to blame him, to tell him that it was all his fault but she had a conscience "It hurts, my stomach when I'm around people, and my head hurts every day , it's like it hurts to be alive" she looked away from Elijah's gaze.

"So you're talking now?" He asked, amused.

"I'm civilised because you're helping my family, who probably hate me right now, I don't forgive you, I won't be anything more than civilised and you are experienced in this area, I just need an explanation" she explained

"Well for one, they don't hate you; I know that for a fact and second of all; emotions are heightened, sadness is despair when you're happy you're ecstatic" he began "you feel anger and sadness which can often hurt a new vampire, that's why most of them then their emotions off"

"You can do that?" She asked, almost turning her head in his direction, but noticing and moving it to look at the water

"Yes but that's not an option" Elijah explained "I can help you with control and the rest"

Anastasia laughed sarcastically "I only wanted advice, I don't need your help; you're the reason I'm in this position" she let it slip, she finally blamed him.

Elijah look hurt, like a puppy that had been shot. He didn't know what to say, but ended up thinking of a few words "who will help you then?" He asked

Anastasia felt a tonne of guilt drop on her, and she looked at him with wide eyes as if to say that she was so sorry. Her hands almost finding her way to his to show her sympathy and how much she didn't mean to say it. Elijah understood her expression and nodded to say that he was okay

"We'll help her" Stefan walked up out of the forest "this is family business"

Damon scoffed behind him "said the ripper; in fact I'll be teaching her, and Caroline" Damon smiled "you can sort our Elena problem and we can sort our Anastasia one"

Elijah stood up and brushed his suit; he looked at the distressed girl on the floor to the pair in the forest.

"Okay, if you need any assistance regarding you Anastasia problem, I'm always a call away" he emphasised the word problem, as Damon had made it clear that she was a problem.

As Elijah went, The brothers helped Anastasia up and back to the house

I never told you (Elijah Mikaelson fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz