Chapter 15

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"Elena!" Damon shouted, his eyes pressed against hers. He looked confused "you're supposed to be dead" he spat

"I thought so" she moved her head so she could look inside "looks like we are both mistaken"

As she finished her sentence, Elena came up next to Damon "who is this?" She looked at him

"How did you get here? how are you alive?" Damon asked, brushing Elena's question off for the time being

Anastasia sighed "I died, 500 years ago, you know that" she began "I woke up as a vampire from what I could remember and then everything went dark" she kept her eyes on Damon at all times "I woke up this morning to only dig myself out of my grave and make my way here"

"How did you know where to go? How do you know me?" He asked

"The call of blood, I know you're a Salvatore and by the sounds of it, you were looking for me" she rolled her eyes "only you were looking for the dead me and not vampire me, and so I am no use to your cause, but we are family and I need your help"

"Help with what" he asked again. Anastasia grew bored of these questions

"It seems you have practise and control in the blood area, I need help with that and everything else" she added

Damon turned his head to the side, not directly looking at Elena, but meaning to get her attention "invite her in" he muttered. Elena flickered her eyelashes, she looked scared, but not as scared as she should have been.

"Come in" she stuttered. Anastasia nodded her head in thanks and stepped in slowly.

"Thank you" she smiled "a beautiful home you have" she turned to Damon "my nephew, you look like my brother Charles, talk dark and handsome" and then she turned to Elena "whoever's heart you hold is a lucky one"

"Oh no, we're not..." Elena begun

"... It's her and Stefan" Damon gritted his teeth and forced out a smile.

"Stefan's here as well" she knew that already and tried to get off the subject of mistaking Elena for Damon's instead of Stefan's

Anastasia's delicate fingers ran through the border of the walls, every painting was exquisite and the carving and paper of the walls, absolutely brilliant.

She had been looking down all along, where her fingers were running. She tit reached a corner, but her eyes never left the wall, where two swords hung, crossing over each other.

Her hands were still admiring the carving of the handle when her eyes met those of someone she had not expected to see.

"Anastasia" Elijah stood up in pure shock. Anastasia did not waste any time.

She used her new found strength to yank one of the swords from the display and his it tight between both of her hands.

The sword shook which gave away the girls fear "stay away from me you monster"she hissed, backing all the way into a corner. Every time Elijah stepped forwards, she stepped back until she couldn't move.

"How are you alive? I thought you were dead" Elijah held up both of his hands in surrender

"Well jumping of a cliff can do that to some people" she spat, the sword still placed in her hands.

The room went silent, everybody there just stared at the woman cowering in the corner.

Anastasia turned her head to look around and then back to Elijah. She then extended her fangs and hissed "what are you doing here?"

Elijah went to speak but was quickly interrupted by Damon "he's helping us" Damon knew that whatever Elijah did, she would be civilised if she knew it was for her family

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